Reading the Vampire Slayer: An Unofficial Critical Companion 

to Buffy and Angel

Ed. Roz Kaveney


Order from Slayage's Buffy Store









Acknowledgements and resources




The regular, recurring or otherwise significant characters

Kaveney, Roz. "'She Saved the World a Lot': An Introduction to the Themes and Structures of Buffy and Angel."  1-36.

Tonkin, Boyd. "Entropy as Demon: Buffy in Southern California."  37-52.

Wall, Brian, and Michael Zryd. "Vampire Dialectics: Knowledge, Institutions and Labour."  53-77.

Wilson, Steve. "'Laugh, Spawn of Hell, Laugh'."  78-97.

Sayer, Karen. "'It Wasn't Our World Anymore. They Made It Theirs': Reading Space and Place."  98-119.

Playdon, Zoe-Jane. "'What Are You, What's to Come': Feminisms, Citizenship and the Divine."  120-47.

Daugherty, Anne Millard. "Just a Girl: Buffy as Icon."  148-65.

West, Dave. "'Concentrate on the Kicking Movie': Buffy and East Asian Cinema."  166-86.

Saxey, Esther. "Staking a Claim: The Series and Its Slash Fan-fiction."  187-210.

Shuttleworth, Ian. "'They Always Mistake Me for the Character I Play!': Transformation, Identity and Role-playing in the Buffyverse (and a Defence of Fine Acting)."  211-36.