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NONE of the characters portrayed on this website belong to me. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon as do many of the other recognizable characters. Random unrecognizables, or original characters belong to their authors. Other recognizable people that DON'T belong to Joss belong to whatever company they belong to. No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of them.

All HTML is coded by me (Lara) in notepad and the graphics on this site are made with several various programs. Any brushes used are courtesy of VBrush. The font used is Vivaldi from DaFont, Fonts.com, & 1001Fonts.com.

   This is version 10.0 named "In Bloom" referring to mostly Michelle Trachtenberg (she's finally grown up!) and Alexis Denisof. Yes its another black/white/gray (my fav colors) but they both look so hot together! Credit for the pictures belong to Flights Of Angel & Much Ado About Buffy

   Much © to Christine from slaying-for-dummies.net for hosting me. You've been so amazing and I really appreciate it. Thank you!

   Contact Info
Email Address: PreCariousFic@msn.com
Add me to your Contacts if you want to chat.



No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.