Site Update: Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm taking my break now and won't be back for at least two weeks if not more. For those of you that have given me permission to archive your stories, I apologize. I will have them posted as soon as I can and I appreciate everyone's patience with me. I'm off to plan my wedding now! Thanks for all the warm well-wishes and I'll talk to everyone soon! January 9th 2006
Fic Update: And The Sky Was Made Of [Amethyst] (FR-18, Gwen/Dawn) and Ashtray Girl (FR-15, Fred/Connor) both by new author Evie. I have a TON more stories to post but updates probably won't be coming too often. I'm taking a little time off to plan for my wedding in Febuary but I'll be adding them whenever I can (at least once a week). Comments and questions can either be emailed here or tagged here. Hope everybody had a wonderful holiday (mine was spent sleeping). :) January 2nd 2006
Fic Update: Girls' Night Out (FR-21, Buffy/Spike) My Kingdom for a Spikebot (FR-21, Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Spikebot, Xander/Spikebot) Shower Interruptus (FR-21, Buffy/Spike) Shower Interruptus 2 (FR-21, Buffy/Spike) Everybody Wants You (FR-21, Giles/Spike, Joyce/Spike, Anya/Spike/Xander, Tara/Willow/Spike, Buffy/Spike, Giles/Xander/Anya/Tara/Willow/Buffy/Spike) all by PaganBaby Also fixed the broken links from the last update. (Thanks Pixie for pointing that out) Enjoy! December 17th 2005
Site Update: Just wanted to let everyone know that there may be a little down-time for the next few days. If the site goes completely offline, it'll be back again soon with a big update. Have a great week. :) December 14th 2005
Fic Update: The Eighth Weasley (FR-13, Willow/Hermione, Buffy/Snape) by Fyrie All Alone (FR-13, Willow/Oz) I Promise (FR-13, Buffy/Willow) both by Laurel. Also won two new awards from Stinky Yak Cheese Awards. Thanks! You can view them here December 06th 2005
Fic update: Pretended Love by Malana (FR-18, Willow/Mr. Lyle, Willow/Jarod). Also added Deadly Passions today as another affiliate. Thanks Mandi! October 27th 2005
Site update: Little Sister today as an affiliate. October 23rd 2005
Fic update: All Fall Down (FR-15, Chloe/Dawn, Angel(us)/Dawn) Bad Feelings (FR-13, Willow/Spike) Kid Sister (FR-13, Dawn/Riley) Lies Like Air (FR-13, Anne/Nina) Never, Ever (FR-18, Dawn/Wesley) Say It (FR-18, Gwen/Tara) all by Pixie Child Mind vs Heart (FR-15, Lindsey/Chloe Sullivan, Angel/Chloe Sullivan, Cordelia/Angel) Of Love And Vengeance (FR-18, Cordelia/Angel, Cordelia/Lex Luthor) Fall On Me (FR-15, Cordelia/Lex Luthor, Wesley/Chloe) by Malana. October 9th 2005
Site update: Added a form to the submit page and a yahoo mailing list for those of you who want other options when sending me your stories. :) October 4th 2005
Fic update: Bleedin' Sunshine (Xander/Spike) by Karissa October 3rd 2005
Site update: Another layout. None of them seem to last long but I tend to get bored easily. This one will stick around for a while though since I have a thing for Wesley/Dawn. Don't they look cute together? I'm way behind on stories but I'll get caught up before this weekend is through. Any comments, suggestions, or questions can be left on the tagboard. I'll answer you back as soon as I can. Thanks! September 20th 2005
Site update: Hey everybody. I found a great story about three years ago and absolutely fell in love with it. It was one of the reasons I became a huge Willow/Spike fanatic (along with Jonquil's In The Company Of Wolves) but not long after I found it, my pc crashed and I lost the link to the fic. I'd even asked people on egroups if they knew and no one could help me. I'd forgotten the name of the site and it's taken me this long just to find it again. You have no idea how many W/S stories I actually went through. Don't you hate when that happens? Anyways, I wrote the author to see if I could get permission to archive it but the email addy is dead so I'm giving out the link for anyone who wants to go check it out. Graveyard Shift. It's rated FR21 so please use caution when reading it. If you recognize it or know the author please email me. Thanks! September 15th 2005
Site update: Changed the ratings on ALL fanfiction due to the controversary over the use of the MPAA rating system. New ratings can be found here. It takes a little getting used to but I've found that several other archives are doing the same, just to be on the safe side. New stories also added today by Malana. Go check them out. :) September 11th 2005
Fic update: Wow, two updates in one day. Found some time to add Water Endeavors by Mac for all those Buffy/Faith 'shippers. More coming this weekend. September 7th 2005
Site update: Changed layout again cause I didn't like the feel of the other one for some reason. This one seems slicker and more to my taste. More stories added this weekend! September 7th 2005
Site update: New layout today and old tagboard is officially dead... thank God. It had way too many annoying pop-ups. If you need to get in touch please use the one below. September 1st 2005
Site update: Sorry about the lack of updates, my pc crashed. But everything should get back to normal in a few days. Thanks! July 30th 2005
Site update: More stories added soon... July 13th 2005
Fic update: Finally got around to adding the rest of Pixie Child's stories (sorry about the delay PC!) and I still have tons more to add by next weekend. I've also been reading some amazing Dawn/Wesley fiction from Lolita In Leather so if you get the chance, drop in and read Heat by Amberina. It's the reason I like D/W in the first place. Thanks for stopping by... June 13th 2005
Site update: Won for Viewer's choice, 2nd Best site, and Best archive from Of Stakes And Spells Awards. Thank you! May 19st 2005
Site update: New layout, author, and stories above. Also did a little spring cleaning with the links section and cliques. Let me know if there are any broken links! April 14th 2005
Site update: Got waaaaay behind on everything but I'm working on catching up. Hopefully I'll have some new stories archived by next Friday. Have a good week everybody!
Site update: Won runner up for best graphics and layout/design from The Chosen Awards. Thanks Steve March 23rd 2005
Site update: Won for Best layout from Dark Soul Awards. Thank you Kendra! January 31st 2005
Site update: Won for Viewer's choice, Best site, Best layout, and Best archive from Of Stakes And Spells Awards. Thanks! January 29th 2005
Site update: Won for Best site name at What You Deserve Awards. Thanks so much! January 25th 2005
Site update: Added several stories, nominations, links, & did some basic site maintenance. Let me know if there are any broken links... January 21st 2005
Got bored and created a new layout. Probably won't last long... :) New fiction is to the left, enjoy. January 1st 2005
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.