

See Also


Sanctuary Episode Guide


This obviously picks up from Five by Five and really is more of a continuation than any other 'to be continued'. It deals with how Faith is coming to grips with having to live with what she's done. Although, it's annoying for me because Faith paints Buffy to be a better friend to her than she ever actually was!

There's a lot of subtle points that are well and truly brought home in this episode. Eliza is outstanding when it comes to those - not to mention the obvious of course. But this is wonderful acting on Eliza's behalf as it really does give Faith a whole new dimension.

Story Line

A wet and slightly beaten up Faith and Angel ride down the elevator from Angel's office to his apartment. Angel tells Faith to 'come on.' He guides her to his bed where Faith sits down. She's withdrawn and won't speak. She wraps her arms around herself. Angel tells her that things are 'okay' and that she can 'rest here'. He gets her a towel and wraps it around her shoulders. Faith, still silent, lies down on the bed. Angel covers...  (read more)


Before I start, there are a couple of episodes that have errors. Usually small and forgivable. However, something as vital as an end of a season (3rd) mega point has literally been rewritten here. The awful gaffe where Faith asks Buffy "...gonna throw me off the roof...again?" Last time I checked, Faith threw herself off for two reasons. One, so Buffy couldn't save Angel and two, a last-ditch effort for Faith to escape (despite her knife wound). Also, either the...  (read more)