o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -12.01.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  And we continue the countdown...

I'm finally wearing pants. Guess what color.

#15 - Sanctuary
[episode 1.19]

The second of the 2-part Faith storyline of Season 1. Faith copes with the things she's done and the people she's hurt along the way, on a very special Angel. *cue cheesy music* I love the Faith character and her journey from slut bitch of the century to bad ass momma, and if that ain't enough for you to get high on this episode, Angel telling off Buffy should be.

#14 - Darla
[episode 2.7]

Finally, the backstory of everyone's favorite prostitute-turned-vampire. Nothing says "I need to be a vampire" more than dying of a STD. The Master, Spike, and Dru are all in this one, and we get to see a whole lot of mythology. And if there's one thing I like as much as gratuitous sex and violence, it's mythology.

#13 - Rm W/A VU
[episode 1.5]

You're probably asking yourself, "Why is Rm W/a VU so far up this list?" Two words: Phantom Dennis. Also - contrary to what I'll have you believe, I liked the first season of Angel, and this is one of my favorites. Cordy gets the "bitch" back in her, and we get a fun ghost story at the same time.

#12 - Origin
[episode 5.18]

The episode that finally makes us all like Connor. That only took 2 1/2 years and a simple guest spot to do it. When I saw this episode I was sitting on my floor right infront of the TV going "AWW! AWESOME! SWEET!" throughout every scene. Don't ask me why - it may be Connor, it may be the story of why they needed Connor, it may be Sahjan, it may be Vail, it may be that Wes discovers that Angel had taken their memories. It's probably all of them.

#11 - Damage
[episode 5.11]

Andrew comes to town to track down a crazy slayer. The best scene in this episode is the one on the dock, as Andrew tells Angel that Buffy doesn't trust them anymore because they work for Wolfram and Hart, and then all the Slayers come out from behind him. It gets me everytime. I'm like "Whoa, kick ass". As you can see, I talked to myself a lot during season 5. So my whole theory now is -- when you talk to yourself, that's good TV.

Either that, or you're going a tad crazy. I choose to believe the former.

Next up: The top 10!

Parts -> [19]   [18]   [17]   [16]   [15]   [14]   [13]   [12]   [11]   [10]   [9]   [8]   [7]   [6]   [5]   [4]   [3]   [2]   [1]


Atalanta: Where's part 19 gone? Good list, some really good episodes.
(07.05.2005, 09:34)

Lurker: I actually kinda like this list - a lot better than the Buffy coundown - - Darla is one of my favorites and is pretty high so that'cool!
(03.04.2005, 09:47)

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