Dawn has been called:a hair-puller -- (by Buffy in Episode: Family)a lightning rod for pain and hurt -- (by Dawn in Episode: Tough Love)a total J.D. -- (by Dawn in Episode: Older and Far Away)a total klepto -- (by Buffy in Episode: Grave)a typical American teenager -- (by Andrew in Episode: Storyteller)Bite-sized one -- (by Spike in Episode: Shadow)Bitty Buffy -- (by Spike in Episode: Forever)command central -- (by Dawn in Episode: Beneath You)Curds and whey -- (by Crazy guy in Episode: The Real Me)Dawnster -- (by Xander in Episode: Into the Woods)Destroyer of the Universe -- (by Dawn in Episode: Spiral)illegal child labor -- (by Anya in Episode: Forever)klutzy teenager with fake memories and a history of kleptomania -- (by Anya in Episode: Potential)L'il Punkin' Belly -- (by Joyce in Episode: No Place Like Home)Little Miss Nobody -- (by Dawn in Episode: The Real Me)little red riding hood -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)little woman -- (by Buffy in Episode: Lessons)Miss Sunnydale 2003 -- (by Xander in Episode: Potential)monster expert -- (by Amanda in Episode: Potential)mystic ball of energy -- (by Willow in Episode: Two to Go)naughty booze hound -- (by Xander in Episode: The Body)nibblet -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)pipsqueak -- (by Faith in Episode: Empty Places)Platelet -- (by Spike in Episode: Tough Love)powerful being, big energy gal -- (by Xander in Episode: Blood Ties)pre-pubescent puke -- (by Glory in Episode: The Weight of the World)rant girl -- (by Buffy in Episode: Him)some slut-bag hussy -- (by Buffy in Episode: Him)sweet bit -- (by Spike in Episode: Spiral)the counselor's little sister -- (by Cassie in Episode: Help)the fan club -- (by Willow in Episode: Him)the little missus -- (by Demon in Episode: Once More, with Feeling)the littlest Summers -- (by Willow in Episode: Blood Ties)the pushy queen of slut town -- (by Dawn in Episode: Him)the renowned Dr. Dawn -- (by Ben in Episode: Out of My Mind)tiny snapdragon -- (by Glory in Episode: Blood Ties)unbelievably scary -- (by Spike in Episode: Beneath You)Watcher Junior -- (by Dawn in Episode: Chosen)Dawn called Buffy:Big Sister -- (by Dawn in Episode: Out of My Mind)dumbass -- (by Dawn in Episode: Chosen)the Dysfunction Queen -- (by Dawn in Episode: Him)Dawn called Buffybot:a robot Buffy -- (by Dawn in Episode: Intervention)Dawn called Dawn:a lightning rod for pain and hurt -- (by Dawn in Episode: Tough Love)a total J.D. -- (by Dawn in Episode: Older and Far Away)command central -- (by Dawn in Episode: Beneath You)Destroyer of the Universe -- (by Dawn in Episode: Spiral)Little Miss Nobody -- (by Dawn in Episode: The Real Me)the pushy queen of slut town -- (by Dawn in Episode: Him)Watcher Junior -- (by Dawn in Episode: Chosen)Dawn called Faith:tried-to-kill-your-sister type -- (by Dawn in Episode: Dirty Girls)Dawn called potential slayers:scared Slayer wannabes -- (by Dawn in Episode: Showtime)Dawn called Xander:double-O Xander -- (by Dawn in Episode: Lessons) | |