Special Features

Episode Groups
Looking for a list of episodes centering around an angsty break-up? Spike-centric episodes? Turns-out-my-love-interest-is-a-demon episodes? This page groups episodes from different seasons together with links to more info.
Which episodes were written by the same person? Visit this page for a list of all the episodes listed on this site grouped by writer. Episode titles are linked to more information about the episode.
Which episodes were directed by the same person? Visit this page for a list of all the episodes listed on this site grouped by director. Episode titles are linked to more information about the episode.
Writer/Director Teams
This page lists all the writer/director teams that have produced more than one episode in this database.
This area of the site seeks to identify the major themes & plot lines distinctive to a particular season. Big Picture stuff. Also works as quick refresher if you've forgotten which season was which. This is a work in progress (I'm a little busy adding new features/ images & layout), but I've got a decent start on Season 4.
Art & Images
This page collects collages and other images I've made for the site in one place and gives some back-story.
Fightin' Words: Buffy's Quips & Puns
BtVS fight-scenes just wouldn't be half the fun they are without the occassional bon mot from our hero... this page attempts to collect Buffy's verbal jabs for your reading pleasure.
Ain't Love Grand? Spike & Courtly Love
An essay detailing how Spike's pursuit of Buffy during Season 5 relates to the medieval literary tradition of Courtly Love.
Crash Course
A primer for the BtVS neophyte designed to pack as much info into as few words as possible. Includes brief character descriptions, season-by-season character/plot developments, key episode recommendations and Q & A.
Holtz Rambling
Some thoughts relating to Holtz and his pursuit of Angel in season 3 Angel the Series. With links to multimedia (at the top) and Angel dialogue not seen elswhere on the site (at the bottom).
The Buffy DB Origin & other misc stuff
A long, meandering narrative of how this site got started, plus info about the original design, the technical details, a banner you can download & use to link to me and the obligatory site disclaimer.

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