Illyria has been called: god-king of the primordium, shaper of things -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb) the blue meanie -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play) the immaculate embodiment of rule -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb)a big, scary old one -- (by Hamilton in Episode: Power Play)a walking nightmare -- (by Hamilton in Episode: Timebomb)a walking obituary -- (by Lorne in Episode: Timebomb)babe the blue ox -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)Beyond flesh. Beyond perfection -- (by Knox in Episode: Shells)Blue -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)Blue Thunder -- (by Gunn in Episode: Not Fade Away)Bluebird -- (by Lorne in Episode: Timebomb)filthy harlot -- (by Spike in Episode: Origin)Highness -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)Leery -- (by Lorne in Episode: Timebomb)little Shiva -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)miss I used to rule the world, bow down before me, minion scum -- (by Harmony in Episode: Underneath)Old one -- (by Drogyn in Episode: Power Play)Our Lady of the Blue Bummer -- (by Lorne in Episode: Timebomb)Smurf -- (by Wesley in Episode: Underneath)some sort of ancient demon -- (by Angel in Episode: Origin)the god-king of the universe -- (by Wesley in Episode: Timebomb)the great Illyria, idol of millions -- (by Wesley in Episode: Underneath)the king -- (by Knox in Episode: Shells)the leather queen -- (by Spike in Episode: Shells)unpredictable, dangerous, too powerful a being, too close to being an enemy -- (by Wesley in Episode: Timebomb)Wesley's little helper -- (by Angel in Episode: Timebomb)Illyria called Angel:the protector of these creatures -- (by Illyria in Episode: Shells)Illyria called Fred:the shell -- (by Illyria in Episode: Shells)Illyria called Illyria: god-king of the primordium, shaper of things -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb) the immaculate embodiment of rule -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb)Illyria called Knox: the Qwa'ha Xahn -- (by Illyria in Episode: Shells)Illyria called Lorne:demon clown -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb)Illyria called Spike:the half-breed -- (by Illyria in Episode: Origin)the white-haired one -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb)Illyria called Wesley:an unstable human who drinks too much whiskey -- (by Illyria in Episode: Underneath) | |