Spike has been called:

  • a liability -- (by Giles in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • flat-out, bug-shaggin' crazy -- (by Spike in Episode: Beneath You)
  • a bad man -- (by Spike in Episode: Help)
  • a bad, rude man -- (by Spike in Episode: Lie to Me)
  • a bloody animal -- (by Spike in Episode: Doomed)
  • a brutal killer -- (by Xander in Episode: Crush)
  • a champion -- (by Buffy in Episode: Chosen)
  • a chip-head -- (by Buffy in Episode: Older and Far Away)
  • a cool guy -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • a creature [Buffy] loathe[s] -- (by Spike in Episode: Fool for Love)
  • a dope and a bonehead and shirty -- (by Buffy in Episode: End of Days)
  • a ghostie -- (by Psychic in Episode: Hellbound)
  • a good-guy vampire -- (by Gunn in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • a handsome devil who brightens the place up -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • a hungry little kitty -- (by Drusilla in Episode: Destiny)
  • a legendary dark warrior -- (by Demon in Episode: Villains)
  • a limp sentimental fool -- (by Spike's mother in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • A lone wolf, Sole survivor -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a loose cannon -- (by Mayor in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • a mass-murdering demon -- (by Xander in Episode: Selfless)
  • a monster -- (by Buffy in Episode: Crush)
  • a parasite -- (by Spike's Mother in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • a pathetic excuse for a demon -- (by Demon in Episode: Villains)
  • a pathetic schmuck -- (by Master/EvilThing in Episode: Lessons)
  • A pulseless, impure, follicly-fried vampire -- (by Glory in Episode: Tough Love)
  • a real hero -- (by Angel in Episode: Destiny)
  • a rebel -- (by Spike in Episode: All the Way)
  • a shell of a loser -- (by Buffy in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • a sick miserable vampire -- (by Buffy in Episode: Crush)
  • a slow learner -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a solid citizen -- (by Gunn in Episode: Destiny)
  • a squatter of the demon variety -- (by Forrest in Episode: Goodbye Iowa)
  • a troubled hero, creature of the night, El creatro del noche -- (by Andrew in Episode: Damage)
  • a very needy little blood-sucker -- (by Glory in Episode: Intervention)
  • all bad- mood-y -- (by Buffy in Episode: Once More, with Feeling)
  • an evil olive -- (by Willow in Episode: Where the Wild Things Are)
  • an evil, disgusting, thing -- (by Buffy in Episode: Smashed)
  • an instrument of evil -- (by Principal Wood in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • an odd duck -- (by Shark Demon in Episode: Tabula Rasa)
  • an out of control serial killer [who makes a] great houseguest -- (by Xander in Episode: Sleeper)
  • another rooster in the henhouse -- (by Angelus in Episode: Destiny)
  • as impure as the driven yellow snow -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)
  • assface -- (by Riley in Episode: The Killer In Me)
  • Big Bad -- (by Spike in Episode: Wild at Heart)
  • Big Bad -- (by Kennedy in Episode: Get It Done)
  • big bleached stupid guy -- (by Buffy in Episode: Superstar)
  • Big daddy -- (by Spike in Episode: The Initiative)
  • big mooch -- (by Xander in Episode: Doomed)
  • Billy Idol wannabe -- (by Bouncer in Episode: Sleeper)
  • bleach boy -- (by Xander in Episode: Crush)
  • Bleach-blonde hair, leather jacket, British accent, sallow but in a hot way -- (by Buffy in Episode: Sleeper)
  • blondie bear -- (by Harmony in Episode: The Harsh Light of Day)
  • blondie ghost -- (by Gunn in Episode: The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco)
  • bloody sad ghost -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • Buffy's pet project -- (by Spike in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • Buffy's sodding sex slave -- (by Spike in Episode: Normal Again)
  • Captain Peroxide -- (by Xander in Episode: Smashed)
  • Captain Peroxide -- (by Angel in Episode: Chosen)
  • Casper -- (by Angel in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • cellar dweller -- (by Spike in Episode: End of Days)
  • chock-full-o-sanity -- (by Xander in Episode: Same Time, Same Place)
  • ConstantPainInMyAss -- (by Xander in Episode: Him)
  • cool as Cool Whip -- (by Xander in Episode: Sleeper)
  • Crazy-Basement-Guy -- (by Xander in Episode: Him)
  • creature of the night -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)
  • creature of the night -- (by Xander in Episode: Sleeper)
  • darling, deadly boy -- (by Drusilla in Episode: Crush)
  • Deadly, amoral, opportunistic -- (by Riley in Episode: As You Were)
  • Elizabeth Taylor -- (by Spike in Episode: Chosen)
  • Evil Dead -- (by Xander in Episode: Crush)
  • formerly dangerous and currently annoying -- (by Buffy in Episode: New Moon Rising)
  • ghost pal -- (by W&H employee in Episode: Destiny)
  • good-looking and athletic -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • harmless little bunny -- (by Buffy in Episode: Doomed)
  • hell on wheels -- (by Angelus in Episode: I Only Have Eyes for You)
  • hero of the people -- (by Spike in Episode: Damage)
  • Hostile 17 -- (by Walsh in Episode: The Initiative)
  • innocent bystander -- (by Spike in Episode: Triangle)
  • insane in the basement -- (by Anya in Episode: Same Time, Same Place)
  • invalid amnesiac -- (by Buffy in Episode: Something Blue)
  • Jessica Fletcher -- (by Buffy in Episode: Smashed)
  • little Cockney -- (by Cordelia in Episode: In the Dark)
  • love's bitch -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • Mister Passive-Aggressive Guy -- (by Buffy in Episode: Older and Far Away)
  • motivated go-getter -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)
  • Mr. Brainy -- (by Harmony in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • Mr. Negative -- (by Clem in Episode: Seeing Red)
  • my dark little prince -- (by Spike's mother in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • my little lamb -- (by Harmony in Episode: Family)
  • my platinum baby -- (by Harmony in Episode: The Harsh Light of Day)
  • neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker -- (by Buffy in Episode: Life Serial)
  • new... and a little dim -- (by Angelus in Episode: Destiny)
  • not Joe Restraint -- (by Willow in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • oh impotent one -- (by Xander in Episode: Doomed)
  • our naughty boy -- (by Drusilla in Episode: Crush)
  • pain in the ass -- (by Buffy in Episode: Fool for Love)
  • pathological idiot -- (by Angel in Episode: Damage)
  • peroxided pest -- (by Buffy in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • poor Spikey -- (by Buffy in Episode: Smashed)
  • Precious -- (by Glory in Episode: Intervention)
  • quite the dish -- (by Eve in Episode: Hellbound)
  • roller boy -- (by Angelus in Episode: Passion)
  • scooter -- (by Anya in Episode: Get It Done)
  • sit 'n' spin -- (by Angelus in Episode: Becoming (Part 2))
  • Slayer-loving freak -- (by Harmony in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • slim -- (by Lorne in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • some sort of wacked out serial killer -- (by Anya in Episode: Sleeper)
  • souled ex-ghost vampire -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • Soulful Spike the Killer -- (by Spike in Episode: Sleeper)
  • Special Needs Boy -- (by Angelus in Episode: I Only Have Eyes for You)
  • Spike, as in railroads -- (by Doyle in Episode: In the Dark)
  • Spikester -- (by Lorne in Episode: Harm's Way)
  • strong & mysterious & sorta compact but well muscled -- (by Xander in Episode: Intervention)
  • Stupid limey piece of crap -- (by Angel in Episode: Smile Time)
  • stupid, stubborn daddy -- (by Dru/First in Episode: Bring on the Night)
  • such a jerk -- (by Spike in Episode: End of Days)
  • sweet boo-boo -- (by Harmony in Episode: Crush)
  • the big hero -- (by Cordelia in Episode: You're Welcome)
  • the big pile of dust -- (by Spike in Episode: Something Blue)
  • The biggest, baddest, mother... -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • the champion of the people -- (by Buffy in Episode: Beneath You)
  • the crazy vampire -- (by Buffy in Episode: Same Time, Same Place)
  • the dearly almost departed -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • the evil bloodsucking fiend -- (by Buffy in Episode: Dead Things)
  • the evil undead -- (by Xander in Episode: Where the Wild Things Are)
  • the first drooling idiot that comes along -- (by Darla in Episode: Darla)
  • the half-breed -- (by Illyria in Episode: Origin)
  • The Powers That Be's new champion -- (by Angel in Episode: You're Welcome)
  • the sitter -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))
  • the strongest warrior we have -- (by Buffy in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • the type best left alone -- (by Spike in Episode: Sleeper)
  • The Undead English Patient -- (by Willow in Episode: Something Blue)
  • the very meaning of handsome -- (by Ilona in Episode: The Girl In Question)
  • the white-haired one -- (by Illyria in Episode: Timebomb)
  • thorough, goal-oriented -- (by Xander in Episode: School Hard)
  • twenty-question genius -- (by Harmony in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • Undead Man Walking -- (by Xander in Episode: Spiral)
  • vampire ghost -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • vampire with a soul fighting for the good of humanity -- (by Fred in Episode: Hellbound)
  • wallflower -- (by Vamp in Episode: Sleeper)
  • whipping boy -- (by spike in Episode: Wrecked)
  • William the Bloody bad poet -- (by Aristrocrat in Episode: Fool for Love)
  • Willie-wanna-bite -- (by Xander in Episode: Normal Again)
  • wimpire -- (by Anya in Episode: Get It Done)
  • wisecracking ghost sidekick -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • worth saving -- (by Fred in Episode: Hellbound)

    Spike called Adam:

  • Dr. Owe Me One -- (by Spike in Episode: Primeval)
  • Mr. Bits -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)
  • Tony Robbins -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)

    Spike called Andrew:

  • a breath of fresh air -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • the little ponce -- (by Spike in Episode: Damage)

    Spike called Angel:

  • gourmless tit -- (by Spike in Episode: You're Welcome)
  • a 'throw himself to the lions' sort of sap -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 2)
  • a big hunk of nobody cares -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a bit of a drama queen -- (by Spike in Episode: The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco)
  • a bloody bureaucrat -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • a bloody killing marvel -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • a bloody puppet -- (by Spike in Episode: Smile Time)
  • a hell of a buzz-kill -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a magnificent poof -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a miserable bastard -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • a very bad man -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • a wee, little puppet man -- (by Spike in Episode: Smile Time)
  • all hat and no cattle -- (by Spike in Episode: I Only Have Eyes for You)
  • beefcake -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • big ape -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • boss man -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • Buffy's sweetie-bear -- (by Spike in Episode: Chosen)
  • Captain Forehead -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • Chairman of the Boring -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • cheap sod -- (by Spike in Episode: Harm's Way)
  • dull as a table lamp -- (by Spike in Episode: Dirty Girls)
  • general grumpypants -- (by Spike in Episode: The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco)
  • great poof -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • king of a 30-floor castle -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • Kreskin -- (by Spike in Episode: Not Fade Away)
  • Mahatma -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • me old Sire -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • ninny -- (by Spike in Episode: Becoming (Part I))
  • old broody-pants -- (by Spike in Episode: Origin)
  • peaches -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • selfish sod -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • still a dick -- (by Spike in Episode: Why We Fight)
  • tall brooding guy, caveman brow -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • tall, dark and forehead -- (by Spike in Episode: Chosen)
  • Tall-dark-and-dreary -- (by Spike in Episode: The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco)
  • the big swingy, swaggerin' around, barkin' orders -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • the big, strapping hero -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • the old Buffy-whipped Angelus -- (by Spike in Episode: Passion)
  • the right cuckold -- (by Spike in Episode: The Girl In Question)
  • the signified monkey -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • the Sistine Chapel -- (by Spike in Episode: The Girl In Question)
  • the Slayer's lap dog -- (by Spike in Episode: Innocence)
  • Uncle Tom -- (by Spike in Episode: School Hard)
  • vampire detective -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • vampire with a soul, cursey-cursed to walk the earth trying to do good -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • White Hat -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)

    Spike called Angel Investigations:

  • one big happy Manson family -- (by Spike in Episode: Not Fade Away)

    Spike called Anya:

  • a good little vengeance demon -- (by Spike in Episode: Beneath You)
  • a right catch -- (by Spike in Episode: Sleeper)
  • forthright -- (by Spike in Episode: Entropy)

    Spike called Buffy:

  • a creature of the darkness -- (by Spike in Episode: Life Serial)
  • a great mom -- (by Spike in Episode: Gone)
  • a hell of a woman -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • a tease -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)
  • Betty -- (by Spike in Episode: Superstar)
  • blondie -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)
  • cutie -- (by Spike in Episode: Becoming (Part 2))
  • Florence bloody Nightingale -- (by Spike in Episode: Spiral)
  • Goldilocks -- (by Spike in Episode: Goodbye Iowa)
  • hero type -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)
  • insufferable -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • little Buff -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • Little Miss Tiny -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)
  • little Rebecca of Sunnyhell Farm -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 2)
  • lost little lamb -- (by Spike in Episode: Halloween)
  • my girl -- (by Spike in Episode: Dead Things)
  • one incredibly brassed-off Slayer -- (by Spike in Episode: Passion)
  • poor little lost girl -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)
  • poor little twig -- (by Spike in Episode: Checkpoint)
  • quite the vampire groupie -- (by Spike in Episode: Wrecked)
  • Sheriff -- (by Spike in Episode: Primeval)
  • Slutty the vampire Slayer -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • Spike's good-luck charm -- (by Spike in Episode: Life Serial)
  • sunshine -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)
  • superhoney -- (by Spike in Episode: Buffy vs. Dracula)
  • the bloody thorn in Spike's bloody side -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 1)
  • the lady of the house -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)
  • the One -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • ungrateful bitch -- (by Spike in Episode: Triangle)
  • whiny little thing -- (by Spike in Episode: New Moon Rising)

    Spike called Buffybot:

  • just a machine -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))
  • perfect teacher's pet -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))
  • the bot -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))
  • thing that goes bump in the night -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))

    Spike called Caleb:

  • a real smooth talker -- (by Spike in Episode: Empty Places)

    Spike called Dawn:

  • Bite-sized one -- (by Spike in Episode: Shadow)
  • Bitty Buffy -- (by Spike in Episode: Forever)
  • little red riding hood -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)
  • nibblet -- (by Spike in Episode: Blood Ties)
  • Platelet -- (by Spike in Episode: Tough Love)
  • sweet bit -- (by Spike in Episode: Spiral)
  • unbelievably scary -- (by Spike in Episode: Beneath You)

    Spike called Doyle:

  • the Mick -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)

    Spike called Drogyn:

  • The guardian of the Deeper Well, Greenskeeper of Illyria's graveyard -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)

    Spike called Drusilla:

  • a saucy one -- (by Spike in Episode: Lies My Parents Told Me)
  • black beauty -- (by Spike in Episode: Crush)
  • black goddess -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 2)
  • kitten -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 1)
  • most impious, murderous child -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 2)
  • ripe, wicked plum -- (by Spike in Episode: What's My Line Part 2)
  • stupid worthless bitch -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • the face of my salvation -- (by Spike in Episode: Crush)

    Spike called Eve:

  • Beady little rat snake -- (by Spike in Episode: Underneath)

    Spike called Faith:

  • all about smiles and reformation -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • Leather pants, nice right cross, doe eyes, holier-than-thou glower -- (by Spike in Episode: Dirty Girls)

    Spike called Fred:

  • a fetching mad scientist -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • good company -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • scanner girl -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • the busy little beaver -- (by Spike in Episode: Unleashed)
  • the go-to girl -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)
  • the science queen -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)

    Spike called Giles:

  • a stupid git -- (by Spike in Episode: Once More, with Feeling)
  • Captain Slow Poke -- (by Spike in Episode: Spiral)
  • over-the-hill shopkeeper -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))
  • poor Watcher -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))
  • the teacher, all full of wisdom -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • watcher-boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Flooded)

    Spike called Glory:

  • a cheap whorish fashion victim ex-god -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)
  • the god of bad home perms -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)
  • the Great One -- (by Spike in Episode: The Weight of the World)

    Spike called Gunn:

  • Charlie boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)

    Spike called Harmony:

  • chippie -- (by Spike in Episode: Life of the Party)
  • Gal Friday -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • mon petite creme brulee -- (by Spike in Episode: The Initiative)
  • my little foam latte -- (by Spike in Episode: The Initiative)
  • my little mentholated pack of smokes -- (by Spike in Episode: The Initiative)
  • sweetbreads -- (by Spike in Episode: Family)
  • the littlest vampire -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)

    Spike called Illyria:

  • the blue meanie -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)
  • babe the blue ox -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)
  • Blue -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)
  • filthy harlot -- (by Spike in Episode: Origin)
  • Highness -- (by Spike in Episode: Power Play)
  • little Shiva -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)
  • the leather queen -- (by Spike in Episode: Shells)

    Spike called Initiative:

  • army ginks -- (by Spike in Episode: New Moon Rising)
  • Initiative lab monkeys -- (by Spike in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • soldier boys -- (by Spike in Episode: Pangs)
  • wankers -- (by Spike in Episode: Goodbye Iowa)

    Spike called Jonathan:

  • wonder Jonathan -- (by Spike in Episode: Superstar)

    Spike called Joyce:

  • a genius -- (by Spike in Episode: Something Blue)

    Spike called Judge:

  • Big Blue -- (by Spike in Episode: Innocence)

    Spike called Lindsey:

  • urban cowboy -- (by Spike in Episode: You're Welcome)
  • Eve's little pookie bear -- (by Spike in Episode: Underneath)
  • tattoo boy -- (by Spike in Episode: You're Welcome)

    Spike called Nina:

  • dog girl -- (by Spike in Episode: The Girl In Question)
  • Fido -- (by Spike in Episode: The Girl In Question)

    Spike called Oz:

  • dog-boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Doomed)
  • Red's mongrel -- (by Spike in Episode: New Moon Rising)

    Spike called Parker:

  • the first lunk-head that came along -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)

    Spike called Principal Wood:

  • another demon fighter -- (by Spike in Episode: First Date)
  • the educator -- (by Spike in Episode: Get It Done)

    Spike called Riley:

  • a good tin soldier -- (by Spike in Episode: As You Were)
  • Captain Cardboard -- (by Spike in Episode: No Place Like Home)
  • crew cut -- (by Spike in Episode: As You Were)
  • Cub Scout -- (by Spike in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • enormous hall monitor -- (by Spike in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • not the long haul guy -- (by Spike in Episode: Into the Woods)
  • soldier-boy -- (by Spike in Episode: As You Were)

    Spike called Scoobies:

  • band of buggered -- (by Spike in Episode: The Gift)
  • Buffy's groupies -- (by Spike in Episode: Doomed)
  • damn little Scooby club -- (by Spike in Episode: This Year's Girl)
  • fluffy battle kittens -- (by Spike in Episode: Superstar)
  • little friends -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)
  • sad, sad, ungrateful traitors -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • tenth grade losers -- (by Spike in Episode: Doomed)
  • the bloody freaking cavalry -- (by Spike in Episode: The "I" in Team)
  • the crack team -- (by Spike in Episode: Something Blue)
  • the goody-good guys -- (by Spike in Episode: The "I" in Team)
  • the Super-friends -- (by Spike in Episode: After Life)

    Spike called Spike:

  • flat-out, bug-shaggin' crazy -- (by Spike in Episode: Beneath You)
  • a bad man -- (by Spike in Episode: Help)
  • a bad, rude man -- (by Spike in Episode: Lie to Me)
  • a bloody animal -- (by Spike in Episode: Doomed)
  • a cool guy -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • a creature [Buffy] loathe[s] -- (by Spike in Episode: Fool for Love)
  • a handsome devil who brightens the place up -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • A lone wolf, Sole survivor -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • a rebel -- (by Spike in Episode: All the Way)
  • a slow learner -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • as impure as the driven yellow snow -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)
  • Big Bad -- (by Spike in Episode: Wild at Heart)
  • Big daddy -- (by Spike in Episode: The Initiative)
  • bloody sad ghost -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • Buffy's pet project -- (by Spike in Episode: Out of My Mind)
  • Buffy's sodding sex slave -- (by Spike in Episode: Normal Again)
  • cellar dweller -- (by Spike in Episode: End of Days)
  • creature of the night -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)
  • Elizabeth Taylor -- (by Spike in Episode: Chosen)
  • good-looking and athletic -- (by Spike in Episode: Touched)
  • hero of the people -- (by Spike in Episode: Damage)
  • innocent bystander -- (by Spike in Episode: Triangle)
  • love's bitch -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • motivated go-getter -- (by Spike in Episode: Timebomb)
  • souled ex-ghost vampire -- (by Spike in Episode: Destiny)
  • Soulful Spike the Killer -- (by Spike in Episode: Sleeper)
  • such a jerk -- (by Spike in Episode: End of Days)
  • the big pile of dust -- (by Spike in Episode: Something Blue)
  • The biggest, baddest, mother... -- (by Spike in Episode: In the Dark)
  • the dearly almost departed -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • the sitter -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))
  • the type best left alone -- (by Spike in Episode: Sleeper)
  • vampire ghost -- (by Spike in Episode: Hellbound)
  • whipping boy -- (by spike in Episode: Wrecked)
  • wisecracking ghost sidekick -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)

    Spike called Warren:

  • robot boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)
  • Spock -- (by Spike in Episode: Smashed)

    Spike called Wesley:

  • grown in some sort of greenhouse for dandies -- (by Spike in Episode: Lineage)
  • Percy -- (by Spike in Episode: Just Rewards)

    Spike called Willow:

  • a powerful and mightily pissed off witch -- (by Spike in Episode: Tough Love)
  • Red -- (by Spike in Episode: The Yoko Factor)
  • so high, perky, good with math -- (by Spike in Episode: Primeval)
  • Teen Witch -- (by Spike in Episode: The "I" in Team)
  • the little girl -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)
  • the little witch -- (by Spike in Episode: Lover's Walk)

    Spike called Xander:

  • a glorified brick-layer -- (by Spike in Episode: The Gift)
  • a nummy treat -- (by Spike in Episode: Hush)
  • droopy boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Where the Wild Things Are)
  • King of the Big Exit -- (by Spike in Episode: Normal Again)
  • lackbrain -- (by Spike in Episode: The Gift)
  • monkey boy -- (by Spike in Episode: Forever)
  • pathetic poof -- (by Spike in Episode: Normal Again)
  • puffed-up manly man -- (by Spike in Episode: Where the Wild Things Are)
  • Special Ed -- (by Spike in Episode: The Weight of the World)
  • the great Xander -- (by Spike in Episode: Entropy)
    Angel Investigations
    potential slayers
    Principal Wood
    the Beast
    Wolfram & Hart

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