Buffybot has been called:A pretty toy -- (by Razor in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))a robot -- (by Buffy in Episode: Intervention)a robot Buffy -- (by Dawn in Episode: Intervention)girl toy -- (by Razor in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))just a machine -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))perfect teacher's pet -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))robo-Buffy -- (by Xander in Episode: Bargaining (Part 2))Skirt Girl -- (by Buffy in Episode: Intervention)Spike's sexbot -- (by Xander in Episode: The Gift)the bot -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))the descendant of a toaster oven -- (by Anya in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1))thing that goes bump in the night -- (by Spike in Episode: Bargaining (Part 1)) | |