Glory has been called: magnificently-scented Glorificus -- (by Jinx in Episode: Blood Ties)a cheap whorish fashion victim ex-god -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)demon chick -- (by Buffy in Episode: Family)god from the bitch dimension -- (by Buffy in Episode: Blood Ties)not the brightest god in the heavens -- (by Buffy in Episode: The Gift)our resident beastie summoner -- (by Xander in Episode: Listening to Fear)she who will not be named -- (by Tara in Episode: Crush)spankin' new menace -- (by Willow in Episode: Family)that creepy demon woman -- (by Xander in Episode: Shadow)the Beast -- (by General Gregor in Episode: Spiral)the god of bad home perms -- (by Spike in Episode: Intervention)the Great One -- (by Spike in Episode: The Weight of the World)the Most Unstable One -- (by Ben in Episode: Forever)the original one-eyed chicklet in the kingdom of the blind -- (by Glory in Episode: The Weight of the World)Glory called Buffy:Mousy the Vampire Slayer -- (by Glory in Episode: Checkpoint)tiny queen in vampire world -- (by Glory in Episode: Checkpoint)tiny squirming Slayer girl -- (by Glory in Episode: Checkpoint)Glory called Dawn:pre-pubescent puke -- (by Glory in Episode: The Weight of the World)tiny snapdragon -- (by Glory in Episode: Blood Ties)Glory called Glory:the original one-eyed chicklet in the kingdom of the blind -- (by Glory in Episode: The Weight of the World)Glory called Scoobies:Buffy's little cartoon pals -- (by Glory in Episode: The Gift)little crap-gnats -- (by Glory in Episode: Blood Ties)wacky pals -- (by Glory in Episode: Tough Love)Glory called Spike:A pulseless, impure, follicly-fried vampire -- (by Glory in Episode: Tough Love)a very needy little blood-sucker -- (by Glory in Episode: Intervention)Precious -- (by Glory in Episode: Intervention)Glory called Willow:little witchbitch -- (by Glory in Episode: The Gift) | |