Willow & Buffy dress for Halloween
from Halloween (Season 2)
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WILLOW: Does he know about your costume?

BUFFY: Nope. Call it a blast from his past. I'll show him I can coif with the best of 'em. Okay, Willow, come out. You can't hide in there all night.

WILLOW: O-okay, but, but promise you won't laugh?

BUFFY: I promise. (Willow emerges uncomfortably in a sexy outfit) Wow! You're a dish! I mean, really.

WILLOW: But this just isn't me.

BUFFY: And that's the point. Look, Halloween is the night that not you *is* you, but not *you*. Y'know? (doorbell) Oh! That's Xander. Are you ready?

WILLOW: (nervous) Yeah. O-o-okay.

BUFFY: Cool! I can't wait for the boys to go non-verbal when they see you!

XANDER: Private Harris reporting for... (sees Buffy in her costume) Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex!

BUFFY: (curtsies) Thank you, kind sir. But wait till you see... (turn to see Willow, in ghost costume again)


BUFFY: ...Casper.

XANDER: Hey, Will! That's aaa fine boo you got there.

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written by: Carl Ellsworth; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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