Skip: End of the world, cupcake... for you
from Inside Out (Season 4)
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GUNN: Fred!

FRED: What's happening?

(Debris falls on the circle of red sand surrounding Skip, breaking the circle. Skip steps out of the circle.)

SKIP: End of the world, cupcake— (walks toward Fred) for you.


(the gang tries unsuccessfully to fight Skip)

SKIP: (laughs) What a bunch of pantywaists. If you can't stop little old Skipper, you really think you got a chance against that?


SKIP: (to Fred) What was that you were saying before? Something about infinite agony? Hmm? (Gunn hacks at him with a sword, but his armor protects him) You mind? I'm trying to work here.

(Wesley shoots at Skip, but his armor defeclects the bullets)

SKIP: Do those things ever work? I mean, really.

(Wes notices a gap in his head armor where Angel ripped off a piece earlier. He shoots a bullet right through it into Skip's brain)

SKIP: Well, that ain't right. (collapses)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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