Xander: Giles is shallow like us!
from The Harsh Light of Day (Season 4)
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(Giles' apartment. Oz has found Giles' record collection)

OZ: Okay, either I'm borrowing all your albums or I'm moving in.

GILES: Oz there are more important things than records right now.

OZ: (Holding up a record.) More important than this one?

GILES: Well I suppose an argument could be made for -

XANDER: Whoa, Giles has a TV. Everybody, Giles has a TV. He's shallow like us.

OZ: I got to admit, I'm a little disappointed.

GILES: I, ah, uh, uh.

WILLOW: Well maybe it doesn't work. Like a piece of art.

(Xander turns the TV on. Willow is open mouthed with shock.)

GILES: Public television. Come on everyone we have vital work to do. Watching television is not going to help us right now.

TV: - near the UC Sunnydale campus. Officials attribute the unusual occurrence to weakening of the supporting topsoil nearby. City work crews denied any tunneling has been done in the area.

GILES: Tunneling. Spike. Xander, find Buffy and meet us there.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: Jillian Tatterton . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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