Cordy: thank you, Dennis. How'd I ever live without a ghost?
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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(Phantom Dennis turns on the lights for Cordelia)

CORDELIA: Oh. Too bright, too bright!

(The main light turns back off and a small table lamp comes on instead.)

CORDELIA: Oh, thank you, Dennis. How'd I ever live without a ghost?

(Cordy opens the medicine cabinet and takes out a bottle of prescription pills. Phantom Dennis runs Cordy a bath)

CORDELIA: Hot. Really hot. Please.

(Cordy swallows three pills.)

CORDELIA: Ahh. These visions are killing me. They're getting worse every time.

(she steps into her bath, and Phantom Dennis lifts a loofa brush to scrub her back for her)

CORDELIA: Oh, Dennis, what'd I do without you?

(We hear a telephone ring.)


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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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