Xander takes Buffy to school
from Into the Woods (Season 5)
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XANDER: So, how'd that work out for ya? Make you feel better?

BUFFY: What are you doing here?

XANDER: I thought you might need to talk. Then I saw the skirmish happen. I was gonna lend a hand, but I noticed you grew a few extra ones.

BUFFY: (angrily) Go home, Xander.

XANDER: Buffy.

BUFFY: (turns back) I'm serious!

XANDER: So am I. Something's up. You're acting like a crazy person.

(Buffy strides away from him. He follows.)

XANDER: Take this, for instance. You don't wanna deal, so you hide? It's not very slayer-like.

BUFFY: Just leave me alone, Xander. You have no idea what's going on.

XANDER: No? Good, so you and Riley *aren't* imploding?

(Buffy turns to face him in surprise)

XANDER: It doesn't take a genius. What I can't figure out is how you never saw it coming.

BUFFY: What? Who told you?

XANDER: Nobody told me anything, Buffy. It was right in front of my Xander face. The guy would do anything for you.

BUFFY: The guy got himself bit by a vampire!

(Xander is surprised)

BUFFY: He lied to me. He ran around behind my back and almost got himself killed! And now he tells me that he's leaving with some covert military operation at midnight unless *I* convince him not to. Now tell me that you understand. Because I sure as hell don't.

XANDER: You gonna let him go?

BUFFY: (sighs) It's not my decision to make.

XANDER: Of course it is.

BUFFY: Well, it's not fair.

XANDER: Who cares if it's fair? In about twenty minutes, Riley's gonna disappear, maybe forever, unless you do something to stop him.

BUFFY: What am I supposed to do? Beg him to stay?

XANDER: (in disbelief) Why wouldn't you? To keep Riley here-

BUFFY: I don't even know who he is any more. I mean, I thought he was ... dependable.

XANDER: Dependable? What is he, State Farm?

BUFFY: You know what I mean.

XANDER: Yeah. I think you mean convenient. I think you took it for granted that he was gonna show up when you wanted him to, and take off when you didn't.

BUFFY: Look who's talking. Look who has Anya following him around like a lovesick puppy.

XANDER: Oh boy, is this *not* about me.

BUFFY: Is she more than a convenience? 'Cause that would kinda be a surprise.

XANDER: (angrily) If you don't wanna hear what I have to say, I'll shut up right now.

BUFFY: Good, 'cause I don't.

(She starts to walk off. Xander intercepts her. )

XANDER: I lied. See, what I think, you got burned with Angel, then Riley shows up.

BUFFY: I know the story, Xander.

XANDER: But you miss the point. You shut down, Buffy. And you've been treating Riley like the rebound guy. When he's the one that comes along once in a lifetime.

(Buffy looks like Xander's getting through)

XANDER: He's never held back with you. He's risked everything. And you're about to let him fly because you don't like ultimatums?

XANDER: If he's not the guy, if what he needs from you just isn't there, (shakes head) let him go. Break his heart, and make it a clean break. But if you really think you can love this guy ... I'm talking scary, messy, no-emotions-barred need ... if you're ready for that ... then think about what you're about to lose.

BUFFY: Xander...


(she does, very dramatically. Riley's at the helicopter landing pad, scanning the horizon for her, hoping she'll come to stop him. But by the time she makes it, yelling his name, he's boarded and it's gone too high to hear her. Riley looks on stoically from his seat in the helicopter, not looking down, oblivious to Buffy.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
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