Dracula research
from Buffy vs. Dracula (Season 5)
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(unseen, Buffy ties a scarf around her neck to hide her fresh bite marks)

RILEY: (offering a donut) Here's a jelly one, you want it?


XANDER: Got it! Got it. Mine, mine.

(grabs it spastically)

WILLOW: Well, I think we have Dracula factoids.

XANDER: Like any of that's enough to fight the dark master.

(Everyone gives him a strange look. )

XANDER: ...bator.

WILLOW: A lot of it we already knew. Turnoffs: wood, fire, crosses, garlic. Turnons: nice duds, minions, (wistful) long slow bites that last for days...

RILEY: Yeah, I did a little research too. Dracula likes to live in style. Which means we can rule out the usual dumps vampires haunt.

XANDER: Ah! But he's smart enough to figure that we probably already know that. I'm guessing he's lying low.

WILLOW: Actually, my research backs Riley up. Drac isn't the lay-low type.

GILES: So we can, uh, check out the nicer places. Don't you think, Buffy?

GILES: Buffy?

BUFFY: Yeah. We'll check all the swanky places first. What else did you guys get?

GILES: Well, Willow has most of it, actually.

WILLOW: Only because you gave me super pointers! I never would have...

GILES: Just go ahead, Willow.

WILLOW: OK. Dracula's modus operandi is different from other vampires. He will kill just to feed, but he'd rather have a connection with his victims. And he has all of these mental powers to draw them in. He, he can read and control minds... appear in dreams...

BUFFY: (distracted) Uh huh.

WILLOW: Makes sense. That stare ... he just kinda ... looked right through you. Didn't you feel it, Buffy?

BUFFY: (pause) No. No, I didn't.

XANDER: See! Buffy didn't feel it. I think you're drawing a low of crazy conclusions about the unholy prince.

XANDER: ...bator.

GILES: The point is, though he goes through the motions of an intimate seduction, the end result is the same. He turns them into a vampire.

XANDER: Well. That *is* intimate. Dracula's gifting these ladies with his own blood. And blood -- Blood is life. According to them.

GILES: Um ... Just be aware that he, he tends to form a relationship with his prey. It's not enough for him to take her. She must want to be taken. She must ... burn for him.

BUFFY: That's ... interesting. I'm gonna go find him.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 32

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