Angel: Probably tried to control it for a while and just gave up.
from Unleashed (Season 5)
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ANGEL: She was bitten. I smelled her blood on him.

GUNN: Tonight's the second night of the full moon, which means 2 more nights for her to go all dog-girl.

ANGEL: 12 hours till moonrise, and then... If she hurts anyone...

GUNN: She won't. We'll find her.

ANGEL: We better. She won't even know what's happening to her.

GUNN: Well, she'll figure it out soon enough. McManus did. The guy you... killed. I pulled his credit card records, cross-checked 'em with police reports. He left his wife and kids a couple years ago, kept moving, staying in the middle of nowhere most of the time. First year or so, a few mangled bodies showed up here and there, but the last 6 months, guy was leaving corpses like bread crumbs.

ANGEL: Probably tried to control it for a while then just gave up. Thought he had to fight it alone, ended up with nothing worth fighting for. But this girl, she's not alone. She's got us.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited, formatted & checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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