Giles Dream: Spike as an attraction
from Restless (Season 4)
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(Giles turns, sees Spike standing near the entrance to his crypt.)

SPIKE: Come on! (Gesturing) You're gonna miss everything!

(Turns and goes into the crypt. Cut to Giles entering the crypt. Crying noises. Candles are lit all around.)

GILES: Don't push me around. You know I have a great deal to do.

(We see Olivia sitting on a coffin next to the baby carriage, which is lying on its side. She's crying. Black & white shot of a bunch of people with cameras, and Spike looking past them at Giles.)

SPIKE: I've hired myself out as an attraction.

(Strikes a threatening pose. The people ooh and ahh, camera flashes going off.)

GILES: Sideshow freak?

SPIKE: Well, at least it's showbiz.

GILES: (very confused) What am I supposed to do with all of this?

SPIKE: You gotta make up your mind, Rupes. What are you wasting your time for? Haven't you figured it all out yet, with your enormous squishy frontal lobes?

GILES: I still think Buffy should have killed you.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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