Spike to Fred: I wanted to thank you, pet. How you tried to help.
from Hellbound (Season 5)
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FRED: (muttering to herself as she works) Carry the quotient load across the remainder... support the imbalance with Lumirea's fourth constant...

SPIKE: (speaks, unheard) Think I know what they are... the things I been seeing. They're the welcoming party. Guess hell got tired of waitin'. Reaching out for me now. Sent their boy around to collect me.

FRED: I knew it.

SPIKE: Knows my name. Knows how to hurt me. I wanted to thank you, pet. How you tried to help. Wanted to tell you what that meant to me before I—

FRED: Damn, I'm good!

SPIKE: You are?

FRED: Frickin' genius! Just cancel out the radical...

SPIKE: (gloating) Thought you had me, didn't ya?

FRED: (defltes) Which causes a feedback wave that liquefies half of Los Angeles.

SPIKE: What?

FRED: Oh! I'll never figure this out!

SPIKE: Yes, you will! Genius, remember? Don't throw in now, Fred. Please!

(Spike instictively reaches to grab her arm, sparks electricity when he makes "contact")

FRED: Spike?

SPIKE: That's right, love. You felt it, too, didn't you? I'm here! I'm still here. No! She can feel me. You're not taking me yet! You're not taking me!

FRED: Spike, if it's you, give me some sort of— (Angel sneaks up on her) Oh! Would everybody please stop doing that?

ANGEL: Sorry. I just wanted to let you know—

FRED: Angel, something was in the lab. It—it touched me. I think maybe it was—

ANGEL: Fred, we did another sweep with the mystics. They didn't find anything.

FRED: Screw the mystics. I know what I felt. We have to find a way to contact him before he's really gone.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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