Buffy: Mom? Mommy?
from The Body (Season 5)
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(Buffy gets home) BUFFY: (calling) Hey, Mom.

(She turns, sees some flowers on the table beside the door.)


(She opens the card that came with the flowers. Shot of the card, which reads: Thank you for a lovely evening. See you soon? Brian. )

BUFFY: (to herself) Still a couple of guys gettin' it right. (calls) Hey. Flower-gettin' lady. Want me to pick Dawn up from school?

(No answer, but we see something on the couch out of focus in the background)

BUFFY: Mom? What are you doing?

(she sees Joyce, lifeless on the couch)

BUFFY: (quieter) Mom? (even quieter) Mom? (very quietly) Mommy?

(opening credits)

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written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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