Wesley: I think we're winning!
from Over the Rainbow (Season 2)
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WESLEY: We've been through a lot together, fellows. Fought a lot of fights. Faced some pretty steep odds.

GUNN: (To Angel) I take the twenty on the left, you take the fifty on the right.

ANGEL: Okay.

(There's a big fight. Angel & co acquit themselves well.)

WESLEY: I think we're winning!

(Smash cut to the four of them bound and on their knees. Enter Narwek.)

NARWEK: (To Lorne) Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan.

LORNE: Constable Narwek. Lovely to see you again. So, how've you been?

NARWEK: Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan, you have returned. - Why?

LORNE: Actually I've been asking myself that very same question.

NARWEK: Who are these cow-scum. You are all dressed - very strangely.

(Fingers the collar of Gunn's jacket and Gunn pulls away.)

LORNE: They're not cow-scum. They're humans and they're my friends.

NARWEK: Cows are not friends. They are creatures of labor. Beasts of burden, no more! I do not know where you have been, Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan, but it is *clear* that you have abandoned the teachings of your people. (To some of the bucket-helmeted Warriors that accompanied him) Take him away. We will begin interrogations immediately.

ANGEL: Wait! You can't do this.

LORNE: (while being dragged away) What? Hey, watch it guys! Easy!

NARWEK: You dare to use your tongue in *my* presence? (Hauls back and kicks Angel between the legs. Angel doubles over.) Unworthy trash. (To Angel, Wesley and GUNN:) For the crime of assault against those judged to be your betters, you are to be detained in the dungeon until our royal highness passes sentence upon you.

GUNN: I'm guessing community service is out. (Narwek hits him, hard.) Too bad. I really like those orange vests. (Narwek hits him again.)

WESLEY: Gunn, stop.

(Narwek moves to stand in front of Wesley, who meets his eyes without flinching.)

NARWEK: Put these things away.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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