Guard to Faith: who'd be crazy enough to try to take you out?
from Salvage (Season 4)
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(TITLE: Stockton, California. Northern California Women's Facility.)

GUARD: 430019 Coming out.

(Faith emerges.)

BASKETBALL PLAYERS: Come on, girl. Over here, over here.

(Faith is doing pullups when she's attacked by a prisoner with a knife)

FAITH: OK, you got my attention. What's your beef, Deb? You really ought to think twice. (Deb swings the knife at Faith, but Faith pushes her away) Or not.

DEB: Nothing personal. I need the money.

(Faith grabs a bell bar with a huge weight at either end and jabs one end in Deb's face, breaking her nose.)

FAITH: For a nose job?

GUARD: (enters the area where they were fighting) Come on, come on.

FAITH: Hey, hey, self defense. She attacked me, Eddie.

GUARD: Yeah, I saw the whole thing. (to the other guard) Get her to the infirmary.

FAITH: Wait, you saw?

GUARD: Hey, caught us by surprise. I mean, who'd be crazy enough to try to take you out?

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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