Owen to Buffy: It's like you're 2 people
from Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (Season 1)
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Owen: The thing about Emily Dickinson I love is, is she's just so incredibly morbid. A lot of loss, a lot of death... It gets me. With a lot about bees, for some reason.

BUFFY: Did she have a tragic and romantic life? With a lotta bees?

Owen: Quiet. Kind of sequestered and uneventful. Which I can really relate to. I... don't get out much.

BUFFY: I don't get that.

Owen: It's my fault. I just find most girls pretty frivolous. I mean, there's a lot more important things in life than dating, y'know? Oh. Did I say something wrong?

BUFFY: Uh, no! Come on.

(She leads Owen to the dance floor.)

Owen: It's weird.

BUFFY: What is?

Owen: You! One minute you're right there. I've got you figured. The next, it's like you're two people.

BUFFY: Really? Which one do you like better?

Owen: I'll let you know.

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written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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