Buffy: Beer? Buffy want beer
from Beer Bad (Season 4)
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(Buffy's room)

GILES: fascinating, really.

BUFFY: (RE TV) Want people. Where people go?

GILES: The TV is off.

BUFFY: Want! Want people.

GILES: She doesn't appear to be in any danger. Maybe you should stay with her.

(Buffy sniffs Xander.)

GILES: Or perhaps she should be left alone.

BUFFY: Boy smells nice

(she grabs him and sniffs him)

XANDER: Yeah, I think we need to track down the fun boys somewhat pronto. Jack said the effects of the beer would wear off

BUFFY: Beer? Buffy want beer

GILES: You can't have beer.

(Buffy gives Giles an evil look)

BUFFY: Want beer.

XANDER: Giles, don't make cave slayer unhappy.

(She fakes a punch at Giles)

BUFFY: Buffy strong.

GILES: Yes, Buffy strong.

BUFFY: Buffy get beer.

GILES: Buffy get...

(Buffy tackles him, pushes Xander out of the way and runs out of the room.)

XANDER: Giles!

GILES: I'm fine. Just get her

XANDER: Which way?

GILES: Um, check down there. We have to find her before someone gets hurt.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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