Anya: a teenager, a powerless former demon, and two big geeks
from The Killer In Me (Season 7)
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ANDREW: OK, I'll go. "R". Ghost is is hard to play by yourself.

ANYA: How long since they left?

XANDER: A few hours.

ANYA: If it is the First, and I'm not saying it is, what're we expecting to find?

XANDER: He didn't bring them out there to meditate.

ANDREW: (to Dawn) Kinda makes you grateful you weren't a potential after all, doesn't it? Safer.

ANYA: Not so fast with the big "phew".

XANDER: He might know we're coming.

ANYA: Which means we're already too late, and we're heading out to the middle of nowhere.

DAWN: With no slayer, no powerful witch...

ANYA: Just a teenager, a powerless former demon, and two big geeks.

(Everyone's silent.)

ANDREW: OK, license plate game, maybe?

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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