Wes to cyborg: Let's see if you have a sense of self-preservation.
from Lineage (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(awakens, sees that the cyborg is still alive. rips his mask off)

WESLEY: Good. You can feel pain. Can you speak?

(the cyborg doesn't answer)

WESLEY: Let me help you with that.

(he pushes the sword further into its gut)

CYBORG: Stop, stop.

WESLEY: Excellent. We're making progress.

(pulls the sword out of the cyborg's gut, causing it to grunt)

WESLEY: Let's see if you have a sense of self-preservation.

(reaches into the cyborg's abdomen, activating the self-destruct device)

WESLEY: What is my father doing? What did he take?


WESLEY: Tell me or you'll be destroyed.

CYBORG: You're bluffing. The explosion will kill you as well.

WESLEY: Yes, I suppose it will. In fact, I'm guessing it will destroy this entire building, killing everyone, my father included, which would be one way to stop your plan.

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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