Cordelia to Angel: So you're just gonna leave? Run away? from Dad (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
GUNN: Guys, the Lilliad demons are starting their mojo on the force field. Ah, right, sun's down, vamps can come out, too. - Wait, they're headed towards the bikers.
FRED: What are they doing?
GUNN: They, ah, having a brawl over who gets to kill us first.
WESLEY: We have to hold our ground.
CORDELIA: What if we can't?
WESLEY: If we're forced to fall back we'll do so towards the cellar. We can make a retreat through the sewer.
(Wesley grabs his flamethrower)
ANGEL: This isn't going to work.
WESLEY: I checked it. It's primed and ready.
ANGEL: Not the weapon, the plan.
LORNE: I'm so glad somebody finally said that, because sitting here waiting to die never was much of a plan. Sorry. So, what kind of genius idea you got hidden up that well tailored sleeve of yours, huh?
ANGEL: Plan is I go. Take the baby somewhere safe.
ANGEL: He was born in a siege, he's not gonna die in one.
WESLEY: But if you stay and help us fight... You said it yourself: we're in a war.
ANGEL: And now I'm in a retreat.
WESLEY: What happened to taking them out?
ANGEL: There's too many of them. I can get out through the sewers. With any luck I'll get a couple miles before anyone notices that I'm gone.
CORDELIA: So you're just gonna leave? Run away?
GUNN: Why not? That's what he's good at. Sure you don't wanna fire us first? A little icing on the cake while you leave us here to do the fighting?
LORNE: I thought we already established this as a bad, bad idea.
ANGEL: No, you're gonna be all right. Once they break the spell and storm the place they'll realize that the baby's gone and they'll go after me. Wesley, stall them if you can.
CORDELIA: I'm sure tripping over our dead bodies will slow them down. You really didn't hear anything I said to you earlier, did you?
ANGEL: I heard you.
FRED: Angel! Don't leave us.
(Angel hurries on without even looking back.)
written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: