Riley: something peculiar about Buffy from The Initiative (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(UC Sunnydale cafeteria. Forrest is checking out the undergrads.)
FORREST: Women. Young, nubile, exciting. Each one a mystery, waiting to be unlocked. Think any of them are gonna show? 'Cause the party will be lame if we lack for hotties. Professor? You with me?
RILEY: No. I'm with this large pile of ungraded papers, due at 3:00.
FORREST: How are you gonna learn anything if you keep doing schoolwork?
(Forrest notices Buffy, being a klutz over on the other side of the cafeteria)
FORREST: Oh...Check her out. Is she hot, or is she hot?
(Riley looks up from his grading, recognizes her)
RILEY: She's Buffy.
FORREST: Buffy? I like that. That girl's so hot, she's buffy.
RILEY: It's her name, Forrest.
FORREST: You've established first contact? Excellent. What do you think of her?
RILEY: I haven't really thought about what I think of her.
FORREST: A girl that cute in the face, and you form no opinion?
RILEY: No, I mean, She's all right, I guess. She's just kind of... I don't know. Peculiar.
FORREST: Peculiar? Hi. Hey, Graham, what do you think of the blonde chick? Mattressable, n'est pas? Riley's not down. Doesn't like her.
RILEY: I don't dislike her. She just-- she never feels like she's really there when you talk to her. I like girls I can get a grip on.
FORREST: I bet you do.
RILEY: Not that way. Just a little less ready for takeoff all the time. There's definitely something off about her.
GRAHAM: Maybe she's Canadian.
FORREST: Didn't she go out with Parker Abrams for about 30 seconds?
RILEY: Abrams? Yeah, there's a sign of good taste.
FORREST: Ok, but you've got to admit she's a major league hottie.
RILEY: Well, I'm not denying she's easy on the eyes. I'm just saying... Would you really want to go out with her?
FORREST: Hell, yes. I bet a lot of guys would like to get their hands on her.
written by: Douglas Petrie; Original English Copyright (c) 1999 Jillian Tatterton; Visit the site: . Full transcript at: