Cordelia from her throne: Hi, guys
from Over the Rainbow (Season 2)

LORNE: Oh. Am I glad to see you. - And so much less dead than I expected.

ANGEL: What did they do to you?

LORNE: Oh, well, first there was the welcome home parade thrown in my honor. Ticker tape, streamers. Honestly, I'm so touched, I almost wept. Locked me in a room, pushed me around, asked a bunch of questions. Your standard film noir.

ANGEL: I think we might have a lead on Cordy.

LORNE: You found her?

ANGEL: No. I overheard two guys talking about a girl with visions. Said she was cursed.

LORNE: Yikes. I don't like the sound of *that*.

ANGEL: They mentioned something about a covenant? Ah, something about performing tests on her?

WESLEY: Angel, I hate to state the obvious, but we need to get out of here.

NARWEK: (Entering) Silence. Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok clan, you and the cow-trash are not to speak.

LORNE: Ah, de-bunch your panties, Narwek.

NARWEK: You are a traitor to your home. You abandoned your life-giver, betrayed your people and now you consort with these animals. I *will* take great pleasure in watching them kill *you* slowly.

ANGEL: (Softly) They take us in separately or together?

LORNE: What?

ANGEL: Separately or together. We don't have much time.

LORNE: I don't know! I've never been sentenced to death before - together?

ANGEL: Listen up.

NARWEK: (To guards) After that, drag the bodies to the village square. We will hang their corpses as a warning. Prisoners! The day of judgement has arrived. Approach! The venerable monarch of Pylea, General of the Ravenous Legions, Eater of Our Enemy's Flesh, Prelate of the Sacrificial Blood Rites, and Sovereign Proconsul of Death, is prepared to pass sentence on upon you.

ANGEL: (softly) One.

NARWEK: (to guards) Open the doors.

(The guards open the doors and lead the prisoners forward.)


(As they step through the doors, Angel suddenly turns and slams his shackled fists into the stomach of the nearest guard as the others also attack the guards around them. Then they freeze in their tracks, gawking. They stare at - Cordy - sitting on a throne, surrounded by courtiers, wearing a skimpy, shimmery outfit and crown.)

CORDELIA: Hi, guys.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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