Cordelia to Angel: You're all insane and angry!
from Guise Will Be Guise (Season 2)
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(Angel and Gunn emerge at Wolfram and Hart from below, undetected.)

ANGEL: (to GUNN, as they see some people down the hall) Don't make eye contact. Keep going.

(They get into the elevator but the two people from down the hall have caught them.)

ANGEL: (pulling them into the elevator and pushing a floor button) What are you two doing in here?

CORDELIA: (pushing the door open button) Um, I'm thinking risking our lives to save yours ...

GUNN: How'd you get in?

WESLEY: We used the door.

GUNN: And they just let you in?

CORDELIA: Hello. Lawyer! (Angel pushes up, Cordelia pushes open) You're not going up there.

ANGEL: (pushes up) No, no. I need to do this. I have to find her ... where they have her ...

CORDELIA: (pushes open) Still with the Darla of it?

WESLEY: (to GUNN) Did you encourage this?

GUNN: I'm just going along for the ride. (Angel pushes up.)

CORDELIA: (pushes open) Gonna be a pretty short ride. They have vampire detectors!

GUNN: We know. It's cool. He's got a plan.

WESLEY: A plan?

ANGEL: Yeah. (Pushes up) I get to the offices before they stop me.

GUNN: See? (Whips his head around to stare at Angel) What? *That's* the plan? Walking real quick was the plan?

CORDELIA: (pushes open) Angel, this is crazy. Listen to yourself. You're all insane and angry and (Angel pushes up) insane! You need help!

ANGEL: I'm not insane and I'm not angry.

(Cordelia pushes open, and this time there is a security guard there, triggering the stake concealed in his nightstick. Angel grabs a hold of it and stabs him through the foot with it.)

WESLEY: Euugh!

GUNN: Man, that's nasty.

(The guard is trying to pull out the stick but it went all the way through his shoe and is wedged tightly into the crack between the elevator and hallway.)

ANGEL: (walking past the guard) Maybe I *am* a little angry.

(The other give the struggling guard one last look and then follow him out.)


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written by: Jane Espenson; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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