Spike: gonna get it... gonna get it...
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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BUFFY: There's so much to decide. Ceremony, guests, reception..

SPIKE: Well, first thing I'd say, we're not having a church wedding.

BUFFY: How 'bout a daytime ceremony. In the park.

SPIKE: Fabulous. Enjoy your honeymoon with the big pile of dust.

BUFFY: Under the trees. Indirect sunlight, only.

SPIKE: Warm breeze tosses the leaves aside, and again - you're registering as Mr and Mrs Big-Pile-of-Dust.

BUFFY: Stop it! This is our wedding and you're treating it like a big joke!

SPIKE: Oh, pouty! Look at that lip.. gonna get it.. gonna get it..

(She giggles and they kiss and such)

BUFFY: (Playfully) Oh.. stop..

GILES: Yes, please stop.

(he takes a good swig of his drink.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. (Paranoia@slayme.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 58

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