Jasmine: Fred infected Angel. By trying to save her, I lost him. We must eradicate their hate. from Magic Bullet (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
LORNE: As scrump-dilly-icious as these hot dishes are, they'd be a whole lot tastier if our cocoa-colored queen were here.
GUNN: I heard that. I keep shoveling pie into my hole and steel feel empty. Anybody else picking up on some weird hurdy-gurdy feelings?
WESLEY: Something's definitely off, but without Jasmine around, I can't sense it specifically. You getting anything?
LORNE: Oh, just a visual on our lovely leader.
GUNN: A visual? Really. Some gift you've got there, Kreskin. Where is she?
LORNE: (points behind Wesley and Gunn with his spoon) Over yonder.
WESLEY: Shouldn't Angel be with them?
(later, inside the office)
JASMINE: I'll make this brief. Fred infected Angel. He's gone. Lost to us.
GUNN: What?
JASMINE: Don't worry. I'm not so easily undone as that.
WESLEY: Any idea how she did it, how Fred turned him?
JASMINE: Yes. My kindness turned him. By being loving to Fred, I opened the door to her hate. By trying to save Fred, I lost Angel. It won't happen again. We must eradicate their hate.
(late,r in lobby)
JASMINE: (to a biker dude) You. (to a young woman) You. (to an old man) And you. Come with me. Connor. (Jasmine walks upstairs, Connor follows)
LORNE: I can't believe little old Fred managed to sway Angel back to the dark side.
GUNN: Evil. Not evil. Evil again. Wish he'd make up his mind.
WESLEY: I guess the good news is it doesn't matter anymore. Jasmine says Angel has to die, he dies.
written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: