you're an odd duck, Mr. Spike
from Tabula Rasa (Season 6)
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SPIKE: From dust... (dusts one vamp) dust. (dusts other vamp)

SHARK DEMON: You're an odd duck, Mister Spike. Fighting your own kind ... palling around with a Slayer. (Spike turns to face him) And whoa, that suit! Chutzpah must be your middle name. (chuckles weakly) Uh, hey, look, um ... about our little debt problem, it's okay, I don't need the kittens.

SPIKE: You'll get paid. I'm no welsher.

SHARK DEMON: Right, sure. You're good for it, I know that. I'm just going to, uh ... yeah. (exits)

SPIKE: You all right? (offers his hand to help her up, she ignroes it, walks away)

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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