Willow to Joyce: A very quiet game, about being a lump
from Out of My Mind (Season 5)
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WILLOW: What about a crossword? Some people say feed a cold, I say puzzle it.

JOYCE: Oh, no thanks, Willow.

DAWN: I like chicken fingers with mustard when I'm sick.

JOYCE: I know you do, sweetie. I can make us some later.

BUFFY: Oh, uh-uh. You are sitting right here on this couch today.

JOYCE: I feel silly lying here like a lump!

WILLOW: You could make a game out of it. A-a very quiet game, about being a lump.

JOYCE: I feel fine. Honestly, I'm more concerned about Riley than I am about me.

BUFFY: You shouldn't even be thinking about that. He's not worried, so I don't think we should be.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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