Buffy: We can't control the universe from Villains (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: The police gone too?
XANDER: Coming back tomorrow with more of their pretty yellow tape...
BUFFY: We need to find Willow.
XANDER: Yeah. She's off the wagon, big time. Warren's a dead man if she finds him.
DAWN: Good.
BUFFY: Dawn, don't say that-
DAWN: Why not? I'd do it myself if I could.
BUFFY: Because you don't really feel that way-
DAWN: Yes, I do. And you should too. He *killed* Tara - and he nearly killed you. He needs to pay.
XANDER: Out of the mouths of babes.
BUFFY: Xander-
XANDER: I'm just saying - he's just as bad as any vampire you've sent to dustville-
BUFFY: Being a slayer doesn't give me a license to kill. Warren's human.
BUFFY: So the human world has its own rules for dealing with people like him-
XANDER: Yeah, we all know how well those rules work.
BUFFY: Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. We can't control the universe. If we were supposed to, then the magic wouldn't change Willow the way it does. And we'd be able to bring Tara back...
DAWN: And mom.
BUFFY: There are limits to what we can do. There *should* be. Willow doesn't want to believe that - and now she's messing with forces that want to hurt her. All of us.
XANDER: I just - I've had blood on my hands all day. Blood from people I love.
BUFFY: I know. And now it has to stop. Warren's going to get what he deserves. I promise. But I will *not* let Willow destroy herself.
XANDER: Okay, where do we go? She could be anywhere.
BUFFY: I don't know. Um. Maybe the magic box has some kind of locating spell... (quickly/to Xander) I could go myself-
XANDER: No, no, no. I'm cool. I'll go.
BUFFY: Dawn can't stay here by herself-
DAWN: Let me go with you. I want to.
BUFFY: No, honey, it's too dangerous-
DAWN: But it's *Willow*. She *needs* us.
BUFFY: She does. And you'll help her. Lots. But first we have to get her home in one piece.
DAWN: But-
BUFFY: Dawn. I'm serious. You've been through enough for more than one - ever. You should be someplace where you feel safe.
DAWN: (sullen) Fine. I want to go to Spike's.
BUFFY: (sigh) Alright.
XANDER: What? Not alright. Are you kidding? After what Spike did to-
BUFFY: (cuts him off) Xander. I'll get the coats.
XANDER: (privately to Buffy) You're not really gonna leave Dawn with Mr. Attempted Rape-
BUFFY: He won't hurt Dawn, okay? He physically can't. Besides, he wouldn't-
XANDER: Well, after the other night, I'd say all bets are off on what he's capable of-
BUFFY: Dawn feels safe with him. We don't have a choice. Right now - he's all we've got.
written by: Marti Noxon; No transcript available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. . Full transcript at: