Buffy: you are NOT going to die from Out of My Mind (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Cut to the hospital room. Riley and Buffy come through the double-doors and find the security guard and Graham on the floor.)
BUFFY: Uh-oh.
RILEY: Graham. Graham.
(he Helps him sit up. Riley holds up two fingers)
RILEY: How many fingers I got?
GRAHAM: Seventeen.
(Riley and Buffy exchange a concerned look.)
GRAHAM: Hostile 17 and a blonde girl.
BUFFY: (sighs) Spike and Harmony, together again.
GILES: Where's Dr. Overheiser?
BUFFY: Uh, Spike must have taken him. What would Spike want with - (The clue hits) The chip. He's gonna force the doctor to remove the chip from his brain.
(Riley bends over and puts his hands on his knees, panting. He's pale and sweaty. )
BUFFY: Riley?
RILEY: (straightens up, breathlessly) I'm okay. Okay.
GRAHAM: (to Buffy) We're running out of time. We don't find the medic soon, he's not gonna make it.
BUFFY: (thinking fast) Okay, okay, brain surgery. He, he's gonna need a medical facility, he-he's gonna need, uh, uh, equipment...
GRAHAM: This is a big hospital.
BUFFY: No, uh-uh, he wouldn't do it here. It's too risky. We'll split up. Graham, get on the horn, or the ... pipe, or whatever you guys get on, I-I want you to check animal hospitals, doctors' offices...
RILEY: Hey, about before...
GRAHAM: We're good. Apologize later, if you're not dead.
(He leaves. Riley looks nervously at Buffy.)
BUFFY: (firmly) You are *not* going to die.
RILEY: Bet you say that to all the boys.
BUFFY: No. There is one peroxided pest whose number is up. When I get my hands on Spike, I'm gonna rip his head off, I'm gonna...
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at: