Willow: OK, the Angel thing went badly from I Only Have Eyes for You (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
WILLOW: Hey! You're bailing?
BUFFY: Yeah. I'm gonna stop by the library and see if Giles wants me to patrol, and then sack it.
WILLOW: You've been doing that a lot. Patrolling and sacking. In fact, you've kind of been All-Work-And-No-Play Buffy.
BUFFY: I play. I have *big* fun. I came here tonight, didn't I?
WILLOW: You came, you saw, you rejected.
BUFFY: You mean that guy? Just not in date mode right now.
WILLOW: Well, maybe you need to date to get in date mode.
BUFFY: I don't think I'm ready for that, Will.
WILLOW: You're thinking too much. Maybe you need to be impulsive.
BUFFY: Impulsive? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire? I slept with him, he lost his soul, now my boyfriend's gone forever, and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends. The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures.
WILLOW: Okay, the Angel thing went badly, I'm on board with that, but that's not your fault. And anyways, love isn't always like that. Love can be... nice!
written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: