Spike: Ghosts everywhere. The blighters are coming out of the woodwork!
from Hellbound (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(Spike is distracted when he notices a man hanging from the ceiling.)

ANGEL: What is it?

SPIKE: Don't you see it?

ANGEL: See what?

SPIKE: Nothing. Too much talk of fire and brimstone.

(looks over Angel's shoulder and sees the hanging man standing there)

ANGEL: What?

(cut to a little later)

ANGEL: Right now?

SPIKE: Yes. Right now. Right here. (to ghosts) Piss off! I'm trying to have a conversation here! Shut up!

WESLEY: (to Angel) Who's he talking to?

ANGEL: Ghosts.

FRED: Where?

SPIKE: Everywhere. The blighters are coming out of the woodwork! (to ghosts) No, I am not talking to you! Go away!

GUNN: We just checked with security.

EVE: They do hourly sweeps with the mystics to secure against spectral intrusion.

ANGEL: So how many are we dealing with?

GUNN: None. Last sweep was 10 minutes ago. Spike's the only non-corporeal in the building.

ARMLESS GHOST WOMAN: It's coming for you.

SPIKE: Check again.

FRED: Maybe we should go back to the lab—

SPIKE: No, I'm telling you, they're here. You have to check again. Something's happening—


SPIKE: Fred, please, you have to use that perfect brain of yours and get me the hell out of here.

(fades away)

FRED: Spike?

EVE: Where'd he go?

ANGEL: It's OK. He does this sometimes.

SPIKE: (still there, but unseen) Does what?

FRED: We should spread out, see if we can find him. We just need to find him.

SPIKE: What are you going on about? I haven't gone anywhere. Fred? I'm here. I'm—I'm still here! Fred!

PAVAYNE: (voice over) She can't help you now, William. No one can.


SPIKE: Is this the part where I say, who's there? And something creepy happens? (beat) Thought so.

(elevator doors open)

SPIKE: Oh, no. Haunted lift. Take a slice more to wet my knickers.

(sighs, walks into the elevator)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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