Joyce: I think Faith's horribly unhappy
from Who Are You? (Season 4)
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JOYCE: Faith.

(Faith, responding to her real name, spins around)

JOYCE: Why do you think she's like that?

FAITH: (offhandedly) Well, you know. She's a nut job. Heh.

JOYCE: I just don't understand what could drive a person to that kind of behavior.

FAITH: Well, how do you know she got drove? I mean, maybe she likes being that way.

JOYCE: I'll never believe that. I think she's horribly unhappy.

FAITH: Well, could be things are looking up. I mean, a little stint in the pokey, show her the error of her ways. I'm sure there's some big old Bertha just waiting to shower her ripe little self with affection.

JOYCE: (shocked) Buffy!

FAITH: (oops) I'm sorry, Mom. It's just . . . when I think about how she might have hurt you, I just . . . I can't stand it.

(Joyce goes to hug her. Faith pulls away)

JOYCE: (slightly hurt) Sorry.

(Faith makes of show of stretching her/Buffy's shoulders)

FAITH: No, I'm just, uh, sore from the fight.

JOYCE: I've missed you.

FAITH: 'Cause I haven't visited, right? (smug) I knew it.

JOYCE: I know how it is. You've . . . got so much in your life now.

FAITH: I'm a busy little beaver. College and all.

JOYCE: (nods) Of course. (hopefully) But, um, maybe we could spend some time together soon? Some night when I'm not being held hostage by a raving psychotic.

FAITH: (pause) Count on it. (smiles) I'm gonna take a bath.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by *Joseph B*. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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