Xander: where are we?
from Lover's Walk (Season 3)
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WILLOW: Xander? Are you okay?

XANDER: Dizzy. Kind of nauseous, too. Do I remember having a fight with Spike?

WILLOW: You do.

XANDER: I won, right? Kicked his ass?

WILLOW: You were real brave. Do you need to barf?

XANDER: No, I'll be okay. Where are we?

WILLOW: The factory. We're locked in the basement.

XANDER: That burnt-out place in the middle of nowhere? So we're pretty much in a 'scream all you want' scenario.

WILLOW: Pretty much.

XANDER: Why didn't he just kill us?

WILLOW: He-he wants me to do a love spell.


WILLOW: Drusilla broke up with him.

XANDER: Gee, and we had all hoped those crazy kids would make it work.

WILLOW: He's out of control. I mean, not that he was Joe Restraint in the old days.

XANDER: So what are our options?

WILLOW: Well, I figure either... I refuse to do the spell and he kills us, or I do the spell and he kills us.

XANDER: Give me a third option.

WILLOW: He's so drunk he forgets about us, and we starve to death. That's sort of the best one.

XANDER: Will, we're not gonna die. If he's so drunk, he'll get sloppy, and then I'll make my move. As long as my move doesn't involve standing up or using my limbs, we'll be okay.

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written by: Dan Vebber; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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