Angel: Melissa?s coming? I?ve got to change my shirt
from I Fall to Pieces (Season 1)
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(Cut to Angel?s office. The phone rings.)

CORDELIA: Angel Investigation. We help the hopeless. ( listens) Well, I?d say right away. (hangs up) She?s coming in.

ANGEL: (looks at his dark sweater) I gotta change my shirt.

(Cut to MELISSA sits in Angel?s office drinking coffee.)

MELISSA: It?s been going on for about seven months now. It wasn?t so bad at first.

ANGEL (in off-white sweater): What?s his name?

MELISSA: Dr. Ronald Meltzer. He?s a neurosurgeon. I had an infected nerve ? behind my right eye. He operated and saved my sight. Afterwards he asked me out. I didn?t really want to, but?

CORDELIA: He helped you, you felt obligated. ? Plus, a doctor?

MELISSA: So we had *one* drink, *one* time ? and he started calling me, a lot. Then he started showing up at my work, my apartment, - saying we had something special, that we should get married. I told him I wasn't interested.

ANGEL: And then it got worse?

MELISSA: I know it sounds stupid, but I can feel him watching me ? all the time. Today at work, he knew I took my Xanitab when I was alone in the bathroom. How did he see that? He's just everywhere. I don?t think I can take much more of this.

ANGEL: Well, we?re going to help you.

CORDELIA: Big time, - and for a reasonable fee.

ANGEL: Doyle will make sure you get home safely.

MELISSA: Thanks. You guys have been really kind, listening to me. It?s terrible.

DOYLE: Yeah, we?re going to take care of that.

MELISSA: No, I mean the coffee... Angel, how did you know I needed help?

ANGEL: I have a friend at the police department.

DOYLE: (to Angel) I?ll check in with you later.

CORDELIA: Can you imagine? A doctor, they examine your body ? they know every inch of you. ugh!

ANGEL: How's he doing it? How's he see her when she?s alone, in private? Is he invisible? Or some kind of ghost? Maybe he can astral project.

CORDELIA: Maybe he has an accomplice, or has a hidden camera. Not everything has to be creepy and supernatural, you know.

ANGEL: Not everything, but Doyle had a vision.

CORDELIA: Which last time led to a sex-changing-body-switching-tear-your-innards-out-demon, right. I guess they don?t call you for their every day cases.

ANGEL: He sees her when he's nowhere around. How?

CORDELIA: Okay, flesh, anytime you want to stop crawling is okay with me.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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