cleaning out Cordelia's apartment
from Ground State (Season 4)
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FRED: Smell anything?

ANGEL: Cordelia. Maybe some old incense or candles. Strangely enough—lemons. Lots and lots of lemons.

FRED: I might have gone a little nuts with the floor polish. Wanted the place to look nice for when the landlords start showing it.

ANGEL: It does. Look nice. Nice and empty.

FRED: You should've seen the size of the dust-bunnies under Cordy's bed. (laughs) More like dust sperm whales!

ANGEL: I can't believe it's been three months.

FRED: We paid the rent for the first couple, but then things got sorta tight, and, well, big apartment, no one living here...

ANGEL: Phantom Dennis! Does-does he know anything about Cordy, where she might be?

FRED: He's just ticked we haven't brought her home already.

ANGEL: We will, though. Soon.

FRED: Absolutely.

ANGEL: You said you already tried talking to Lorne in Las Vegas.

GUNN: Yeah. Emphasis on the word try. (Gunn shocks himself on the television, hurting his hand.) Fancy-ass surround sound. Fred!

FRED: (to Gunn) Already packed the band-aids, buddy. (to Angel) From the exactly twice we've been able to get a hold of him, we know that Lorne is keeping his eyes peeled, but... so far all's quiet on the psychic front.

GUNN: Did you show him the box?

FRED: See that one, with the pictures? That stuff was on the table the night Cordy disappeared. It's mostly personal stuff. Didn't mean much to us, but you might see something.

ANGEL: What about the police?

GUNN: Uh, let's see. Abandoned car. Empty apartment.

FRED: No signs of violence. No plans for travel.

GUNN: Please file a missing person's report.

FRED: And have a nice day.

GUNN: But, hey! That was only the first time. The next seven times, they left out the nice day part.

(In the box, Angel finds a picture frame with pictures: one of Angel and Cordy, and one of Angel, Cordy and Wes.)

ANGEL: Something must've happened to her that night. Something big.

GUNN: Well, you guys were supposed to meet up.

ANGEL: I know why I wasn't there.

FRED: Sure. Banished to the ocean depths by your ungrateful snot of a son.

GUNN: Not that she's bitter.

ANGEL: I appreciate you guys looking out for Connor all summer. It's just—he's confused. He needs time. That's all.

FRED: Right. Time, and some corporal punishment with a large heavy mallet. Not that I'm bitter. (notices books she packed are back) Oh. Damn it, Dennis! She's not coming back! (pauses and catches herself). I'm sorry, Angel. I-I didn't— I meant the apartment. I—

ANGEL: It's OK, Fred. Anyway, we've got tons of room back at the hotel. We can keep everything safe.

FRED: It's just—you count on stuff, you know. Things being where you left them. What happens if you get back and they're not there?

ANGEL: You go find 'em.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by: CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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