Buffy: Initiative has it in for me
from Goodbye Iowa (Season 4)
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BUFFY: You guys think Riley had something to do with this?

GILES: Probably not. But, uh . . . we'd be remiss if we didn't think of all the possibilities.

BUFFY: (softly) Right. "Remiss."

(She's turning away, then suddenly faces him again.)

BUFFY: No. No. Maggie made sure he was no where around when she sent me on this very special "make Buffy dead" assignment.

WILLOW: And plus, Riley? He seems like he wouldn't tell a little white lie, let alone a whole bunch of big, dirty ones.

XANDER: That's why they call it the "secret forces," Will. 'Cause they kinda keep the whole lying thing to themselves.

BUFFY: All I know is that Maggie has it in for me. Which means the Initiative has it in for me.

XANDER: I'm guessing the mad scientist isn't too keen on the fact that the entire Scooby Gang knows that the Initiative is up to no good.

BUFFY: Which brings us back to the "not safe for any of us" concept.

GILES: What could have happened to make Professor Walsh want to kill you?

BUFFY: (at a loss) I don't know. Uh . . . She wasn't keen on the fact that I was asking a lot of questions, that's for sure.

ANYA: So you were getting too close to something?

GILES: Clearly. Although, one can only imagine what she'd be so desperate to hide.

(A large demon-cyborg, Adam, emerges from the Initiative. He smiles. Credits roll.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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