the Bug Creature attacks from Sacrifice (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
FRED: They're just kids.
ANGEL: Strength in numbers.
FRED: Angel—
ANGEL: They just wanna strike back, Fred, at something, anything. I know how they feel.
LORNE: (holding a hockey stick as a weapon) I ever tell you I suck at sports?
MATTHEW: This is where Tommy got taken.
FRED: What's that smell?
ANGEL: It's ammonia.
(Some creature makes a growling sound and snatches Golden up into a vertical pipe.)
HOLLY: Golden!
(Angel leaps up into the pipe after Golden. After some noises that sound like fighting can be heard, Golden drops down out of the pipe onto the floor. Angel returns vamped, and a scared Matthew goes running)
ANGEL: Matthew, it's ok!
BOY: Matt!
ANGEL: (runs after him) Matthew!
FRED: (something grabs Fred) Aah! Aah!
(Angel swings his sword at whatever grabbed Fred. The thing lets Fred go. )
HOLLY: Golden? Sweetie...
ANGEL: (to Gunn) If Matthew reaches the surface...
GUNN: We'll get him.
ANGEL: Right.
GUNN: (to Fred) Come on!
FRED: Matthew!
ANGEL: That thing is really pissin' me off. Lorne, Wes...
LORNE: Jawohl.
ANGEL: Where's Wes?
LORNE: It got Wes?
ANGEL: Yeah. It must've looped around behind us. It knows these tunnels better than me. And it's fast. Look, I'll track it down. Lorne, take the others back to the fort. Wait for Gunn and Fred.
LORNE: Ohh! If you insist.
GOLDEN: (holding weapons to Lorne and Angel) Uh-uh, Dracula. Not ok.
written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me. . Full transcript at: