Gunn: Shot my entire Japanese vocabulary when I said hello.
from Players (Season 4)
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(Gwen and Gunn emerge from a limo in fancy dress)

GWEN: How're you doing?

GUNN: You tell me. I'm thinking James Bond never looked this fine.

GWEN: I'm thinking you're right.

GUNN: Of course, I'd feel better if we were packing some of his secret weapons.

GWEN: Charles, we are the secret weapons. Nervous?

GUNN: Nah. I've gotten into clubs with tighter security than this.

(Gunn & Gwen make it through the first security level)

GWEN: One down, one to go.

GUNN: Hey, how's your electro-thing gonna do with these metal detectors?

GWEN: Piece of cake.

GUNN: Now, if we can just get out as easily as we got in— (as the guard scans the tickets, an alarm goes off) Why did I even say that?

(Security guards close in)

GUNN: Uh, what...seems to be the problem?

SECURITY GUARD: The electronic imprints on your invitation's been altered.

GWEN: I can explain that. I was struck by lightning. Really. (whispers to Gunn) See how my life sucks?

SECURITY GUARD: Step this way, please. Please don't make a scene.

GWEN: A little late for that, isn't it? What with the beeping and batons...

GUNN: (whispers to Gwen) Maybe this isn't our night.

GWEN: (whispering) Then we make it our night. This is my one shot, Gunn, and I am not leaving without you-know-who...and if that means we do it the hard way— (starts to pull off one of her gloves)

GUNN: (whispers to Gwen) Ah ah ah. Keep your mittens on, sparky. (speaks to Morimoto as he walks past) Morimoto-san. Konbanwa. (bows)

MORIMOTO: Konbanwa. Okoshi kudasai arigato gozaimasu.

GUNN: Sorry, didn't follow that last bit. Shot my entire Japanese vocabulary when I said hello.

MORIMOTO: The gesture is still appreciated. (turns to walk away)

GUNN: Mr. Morimoto, I'm Charles Gunn. We met at the zoo benefit last year. You don't remember me, do you? Your wife held that monkey right after my girlfriend did. Ugly little gray thing—the monkey, not my girl. (chuckles) Gwen, you remember Mr. Morimoto. We met him at the zoo benefit.

GWEN: (bows) How could I forget.

GUNN: Mr. Morimoto, in case we don't have an opportunity to speak later, please do me the honor of accepting this humble gift... (pulls a small oval box out of his breast pocket) to thank you for inviting us into your beautiful home.

MORIMOTO: You're too generous.

GUNN: Please. It's just a trinket.

MORIMOTO: (opens the box revealing the small jade tiger inside) It's beautiful.

GUNN: Well, I read somewhere you love tigers.

MORIMOTO: Truly exquisite. Thank you. (walks away)

SECURITY GUARD: (to Gwen and Gunn) If you'll follow me, please.

GWEN: (whispers to Gunn) OK, we tried it your way—

GUNN: (whispers) Hang on.

(they watch Morimoto walk away, waiting for acknowledgement)

SECURITY GUARD: This way. Please. (Morimoto pauses, turns to the security guard and signals that Gunn and Gwen can come in) All right. Go ahead.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell & Sarah Fain & Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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