Anya to Xander: you don't care about me at all
from Hush (Season 4)
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(Xander & Anya are walking up to Giles' apartment)

XANDER: I don't get what this is coming from.

ANYA: well, what am I supposed to think?

XANDER: Well, How could you say I'm using you?

ANYA: You don't care about what I think. You don't ask about my day.

XANDER: You really did turn into a real girl didn't you?

ANYA: See! You make jokes during my pain. You don't care about me at all.

XANDER: I care about you.

ANYA: How much?


ANYA: What do I mean to you?

XANDER: I... we, you know we spend... we'll talk about it later.

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written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at Full transcript at:;
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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