Angel to Cordy & Wes: I'm the boss, and I say you lay low
from Five by Five (Season 1)
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ANGEL: Giles said she left Sunnydale about a week ago. Described her mental state as borderline psychotic.

CORDELIA: That explains her outfit.

WESLEY: This isn't right.

CORDELIA: When a whacked out Slayer tries to kill your boss, it's very wrong.

WESLEY: I meant Giles. Why didn't he give me the heads-up? I was Faith's Watcher! When she came out of her coma Giles should've contacted me immediately.

CORDELIA: Maybe he was busy trying to keep her from --I don't know-- killing everybody?

ANGEL: He didn't know she was coming after me. He was worried about Buffy.

CORDELIA: Is she okay?

ANGEL: Yeah.

CORDELIA: What can we do?

ANGEL: Help me track her down. I want you two to check police reports. Beatings, killings, anything within the last week. Possibly near bus stations and bars. And then you make yourself scarce. I don't wanna give her any free targets.

WESLEY: You've been targeted by a psychotic, I'm certainly not going to run and hide.

CORDELIA: I like the plan where I'm scarce.

WESLEY: We've got to band together. Strength in numbers.

CORDELIA: Two's a number.

ANGEL: She's coming for me. I got a fight coming up, I don't want you getting in the way.

WESLEY: I thought we were a team?

ANGEL: We're not a team. I'm your boss. You go where I tell you and I tell you to lay low.

WESLEY: It seems you're taking this personal--

ANGEL: Well, you know, she tried to shoot my own personal back, so, yeah!

WESLEY: Did she do something to Buffy?

ANGEL: Giles just said it was rough.

WESLEY: I'm sorry. But if you let emotion control you right now, one of you will certainly end up dead.

ANGEL: That's what the lady wants.

WESLEY: That's not good enough! She's not a demon, Angel! She's a sick, sick girl. If there's even a chance she can be reasoned with--

ANGEL: There was. Last year, I had a shot at saving her. I was pulling her back from the brink when some British guy kidnapped her and made damn sure she'd never trust another living soul.

CORDELIA: Angel, it's not Wesley's fault that *some* British guy ruined your... Oh, wait. (to Wesley) That was you. (gives Angel a wave) Go on.

WESLEY: (chastised) You don't need to.

ANGEL: (softly) Let's just get to work.

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