Oliver admits to the setup; nobody stays young forever
from Eternity (Season 1)
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OFFICER: I just want to go over your statement one more time, sir. You arrived here...

OLIVER: Rebecca, not again. You alright? I came as soon as I heard.

REBECCA: And when was that exactly?

OLIVER: What do you mean?

REBECCA: I know the stalker. I've seen him.

OLIVER: At your house.

REBECCA: Mmm. He's a stuntman. You used to represent him.

OLIVER: Oh, I -- I didn't get a good look.

REBECCA: Oh, come on, Oliver. My private phone number, how to get into my house, that I skip the movie at a premiere. Only you know all that.

OLIVER: I never would have let you get hurt, you must believe that. I thought the publicity might help you get the series. I did it out of love.

REBECCA: I don't pay you to love me.

OLIVER: No. That you get for free.

REBECCA: I didn't get the part, did I?

OLIVER: I was gonna tell you tonight. The network suddenly feels that you're too mature for the role. I know it may not seem that way now, but once we get a little distance between you and Raven...

REBECCA: Oliver. The series is in syndication. She'll always be there.

OLIVER: Bec...

REBECCA: Looking younger and better and sweeter than me -- forever.

OLIVER: Sweetie, your life is not over at 24.

REBECCA: I'm not 24. I'm twenty...

OLIVER: Shh, shh!

REBECCA: Raven is 22. She will always be 22.

OLIVER: All right, so she'll always be 22. She's not you, and we're gonna have to face it that nobody stays young forever.


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written by: Tracey Stern; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem and me.. Full transcript at:
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