Angel to Cordelia: your visions're getting worse, aren't they?
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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(Angel knocks on the bathroom door)

CORDELIA: I told you, it's about finding the coin.

ANGEL: It's me.

CORDELIA: I'm fine!

ANGEL: I'm not leaving until you open the door. I mean it, Cordelia, open up.

(Cordy opens the door, shirt back on, hiding the scratches, and gives him a bright smile.)

CORDELIA: See? Fine!

ANGEL: They're getting worse, aren't they?

CORDELIA: I'm feeling better. Once I get a little protein in me, I'll be good as new. Honest. Now, go declaw those things!

ANGEL: I've asked Fred to take you home.

CORDELIA: I don't need to go home.

ANGEL: There is nothing else you can do here. Just - get some rest, okay?


ANGEL: O-kay?


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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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